Menganalisa Kerusakan
Laptop Menganalisa kerusakan laptop membutuhkan kejelian dan kesabaran. Jangan
terburu-buru memutuskan sebelum melakukan cek secara keseluruhan kondisi laptop
anda. Berikut ini adalah beberapa permasalahan laptop yang sering terjadi :
Mati atau Power Failure Untuk kasus mati yang perlu anda cek pertama kali
adalah batery laptop anda. Kemungkinan batery laptop anda habis total. Coba
lakukan pengisian dan tunggu kira-kira 1/2 jam. Penyebab lain adalah adaptor
laptop yang tidak berfungsi. Anda dapat cek dengan lampu indikator carger di
laptop menyala ketika laptop di kasih adaptor. Jika lampu indikator tidak
nyala, ada kemungkinan adaptor yang rusak ataupun konektor power boardyang
rusak atau board laptopnya yang rusak. Kemungkinan lain board laptop mati total
sehingga menyebabkan laptop mati total sama sekali. Lampu power nyala tapi
layar LCD tidak menampilkan gambar. Coba cek dengan memasang monitor eksternal
pada port VGA di laptop anda. Kemudian hidupkan laptop anda, jika laptop masih
mati, kemungkinan kerusakannya adalah VGA, Prosessor, mainboard, IC BIOS, atau
RAM yang kotor atau rusak. Coba lakukan cek satu per satu. Dan jika monitor
eksternal hidup dan tampil gambar dengan normal, kemungkinan kerusakan ada di
inverter LCD, kabel flexibel LCD, ataupun LCD monitor anda. Jika kerusakan ada
di Layar LCD, maka anda harus mengganti Layar LCD tersebut, karena layar LCD
tidak bisa diperbaiki. Masalah Pendinginan Laptop Permasalahan umum yang sering
dihadapi pemakai laptop adalah masalah panas, bagaimanapun juga panas adalah
musuh utama dari laptop, hampir 75 % kerusakan laptop disebabkan panas yang
berlebihan. Apalagi di dalam casing laptop hampir tidak ada ruang kosong semuanya
dipenuhi dengan komponen. Masalah yang sering muncul dibagian ini adalah
tersumbatnya saluran pembuangan panas pada heatsink karena tertutup oleh debu.
Hal ini menyebabkan panas yang seharusnya dikeluarkan kembali masuk ke dalam
laptop. Akibatnya suhu di dalam laptop meningkat dari yang seharusanya
diperbolehkan. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan over heating pada VGA chip, Procesor,
dan komponen mainboard laptop yang lain. Masalah Port dan Konektor Power
Masalah ini juga sering terjadi. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh retaknya solderan
yang ada di konektor ataupun port tersebut. Retaknya solderan disebabkan oleh
panas dan umur dari laptop itu sendiri. Solusinya adalah melakukan solder ulang
terhadap bagian yang mengalami keretakan solderan.
Analyzing Damage Laptop
Analyze the damage to the laptop requires foresight and patience. Do not rush to decide prior to check the overall condition of your laptop. Here are some laptop problems that often occur:
Dead or Power Failure
For the case off you need to check first is your laptop batery. The possibility of your laptop batery runs out completely. Try to recharge and wait for approximately 1/2 hours. Another cause is the laptop adapter is not functioning. You can check the indicator light illuminates when carger in laptop adapter laptop in love. If the indicator light does not glow, there is the possibility of a faulty adapter or the power connector board boardyang damaged or broken laptop. Another possibility board totally dead laptop laptop causing the death total at all.
Power lights flash but the LCD screen does not display images.
Please check with an external monitor installed at the VGA port on your laptop.Then turn on your laptop, if the laptop is still dead, the possibility of damage is VGA, processor, mainboard, BIOS IC, or a dirty or faulty RAM. Try to do a check one by one.
And if an external monitor with the image of life and appear normal, there is the possibility of damage to the LCD inverters, LCD flexible cable, or LCD monitor. If there is damage to the LCD screen, then you have to replace the LCD screen, because the LCD screen can not be repaired.
Laptop Cooling Problems
A common problem faced by laptop users is a hot issue, however, heat is the main enemy of the laptop, the laptop is almost 75% of damage caused by excessive heat. Especially in the laptop casing is almost no empty space is filled with all the components. A recurring problem is blockage of the channel section of heat dissipation on the heatsink as it is covered by dust. This causes heat to be released back into the laptop. As a result, the temperature inside the laptop up from the seharusanya allowed. This can cause over heating in the VGA chip, the processor is, and other components of the laptop mainboard.
Port and Power Connectors problem
These problems are also common. This is caused by the breakdown of the existing solder on the connector or port. Solder cracking caused by heat and age of the laptop itself. The solution is to re-solder on the solder developing cracks.
Analyze the damage to the laptop requires foresight and patience. Do not rush to decide prior to check the overall condition of your laptop. Here are some laptop problems that often occur:
Dead or Power Failure
For the case off you need to check first is your laptop batery. The possibility of your laptop batery runs out completely. Try to recharge and wait for approximately 1/2 hours. Another cause is the laptop adapter is not functioning. You can check the indicator light illuminates when carger in laptop adapter laptop in love. If the indicator light does not glow, there is the possibility of a faulty adapter or the power connector board boardyang damaged or broken laptop. Another possibility board totally dead laptop laptop causing the death total at all.
Power lights flash but the LCD screen does not display images.
Please check with an external monitor installed at the VGA port on your laptop.Then turn on your laptop, if the laptop is still dead, the possibility of damage is VGA, processor, mainboard, BIOS IC, or a dirty or faulty RAM. Try to do a check one by one.
And if an external monitor with the image of life and appear normal, there is the possibility of damage to the LCD inverters, LCD flexible cable, or LCD monitor. If there is damage to the LCD screen, then you have to replace the LCD screen, because the LCD screen can not be repaired.
Laptop Cooling Problems
A common problem faced by laptop users is a hot issue, however, heat is the main enemy of the laptop, the laptop is almost 75% of damage caused by excessive heat. Especially in the laptop casing is almost no empty space is filled with all the components. A recurring problem is blockage of the channel section of heat dissipation on the heatsink as it is covered by dust. This causes heat to be released back into the laptop. As a result, the temperature inside the laptop up from the seharusanya allowed. This can cause over heating in the VGA chip, the processor is, and other components of the laptop mainboard.
Port and Power Connectors problem
These problems are also common. This is caused by the breakdown of the existing solder on the connector or port. Solder cracking caused by heat and age of the laptop itself. The solution is to re-solder on the solder developing cracks.
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