Banyak perusahaan besar membayar jutaan dolar kepada pembuat logo,tapi tahukah anda dibalik semua itu mereka menyelipkan secara tersamar bahkan secara terang terangan logo-logo tentang penyembahan setan atau ocult.
1. Procter and Gamble
1. Procter and Gamble

Ini adalah ibu dari semua logo klenik jahat. Perusahaan ini (yang memproduksi sebagian besar produk rumah tangga Anda) telah menghadapi banyak kontroversi selama tahun 1980-an karena maknanya. Karena reputasi yang buruk, logo tidak muncul pada produk lagi tetapi masih digunakan pada dokumentasi P & G Resmi.
Logo ini menampilkan bulan sabit dengan wajah manusia di atasnya. Dalam simbolisme okultisme, wajah manusia pada sebuah benda angkasa menggambarkan sebagai dewa. Bulan ini biasanya digambarkan sebagai seorang dewi karena sifat reseptif. Jadi siapa yang misterius ini? Dewa maskulin? Beberapa petunjuk mengenai identitas yang tersembunyi di dalam logo. Pertama, lihat pada setiap ujung bulan sabit .. dua buah tanduk. Keuda carilah di bawah wajah bulan, dekat lingkaran, ada terbalik 666.
Ada persis 13 bintang di logo, nomor penting dalam esoteris (terutama masonik) numerologi. Dalam gugatan terhadap Amway, P & G mengklaim bahwa ke-13 bintang disebut 13 koloni dari Amerika Serikat. Maaf, tapi itu adalah 100% omong kosong.Mungkin hanya hakim yang disuap atau bodoh mau menerima penjelasan konyol ini, tetapi setiap orang yang mengerti okultisme,menyadari bahwa logo ini bukan hanya kumpulan gambar bintang semata, sebagaimana mereka klaim. Tercetak dengan jelas dalam logo ini simbol esoterik astotheological, sebagaimana ada dalam pemujaan kuno ilmu hitam.
P & G telah mengajukan sejumlah tuntutan hukum terhadap para pengkritik dan baru-baru ini menang melawan Amway. Beberapa mungkin mengatakan “Ok kasus ditutup, hakim memutuskan bahwa itu bukan klenik ilmu hitam “. Tetapi orang-orang tidaklah bodoh.
2. Bechtel

Kita tidak perlu bertanya kepada ahli simbol untuk bertanya tentang arti lambang dari “Becthel” ini.Orang bodoh sekalipun bisa menebak,ada yang salah dengan logo ini.Ya,anda betul,logo ini terasa biasa saja namun dibalik semua itu ada yang ganjil yaitu laut dan pulaunya.Kenapa lautnya berwarna merah? kenapa pulaunya abu-abu? Seolah-olah lautan dipenuhi darah orang-orang yang tidak bersalah.
Menurut sumber dari Wikipedia,perusahaan ini berulangkali tersandung masalah,diantaranya:
Pencurian air dari orang miskin:
Suatu kasus antara rakyat Bolivia melawan Bechtel.Hal yang dipersoalkan adalah air. Dua tahun yang lalu Bechtel mengambil alih sistem air publik Bolivia disebuah kota terbesar ketiga, Cochabamba, dan dalam beberapa minggu mereka menaikkan suku bunga sebanyak 200 persen. Ketika perusahaan menolak untuk menurunkan tarif, masyarakat memberontak. Akhirnya karena diprotes secara luas maka Bechtel dipaksa untuk meninggalkan Bolivia.
Bangunan pabrik kimia untuk Saddam Hussein:
Pada tahun 1988, hanya setelah Saddam Hussein telah mendapat kecaman internasional karena menggunakan gas beracun terhadap ribuan suku Kurdi, Bechtel menandatangani kontrak dengan Irak untuk membangun sebuah pabrik kimia.
Keuntungan dari jatuhnya Saddam Hussein:
Kritikus di Amerika Serikat dan sekutunya seperti Britania telah mempertanyakan proses kontrak kerja yang diberikan AS dan Irak untuk perusahaan Amerika ini (Betchel). Keuntungan yang didapat dari kehancuran perang Irak menyebabkan Bechtel dituduh sebagai bencana kapitalisme.
Keuntungan dari badai Katrina:
Pada tahun 2005, Bechtel ditawarai kontrak oleh Federal Emergency Management Agency untuk membangun perumahan sementara bagi korban bencana Badai Katrina.Tetapi hal ini banyak mengundang kritikan,karena biaya yang dikeluarkan sangat tinggi dan tidak sepandan dengan yang dihasilkan.
Masih banyak contoh kebobrokan dari perusahaan ini,lebih jelasanya baca Bechtel’s environmental record.Mungin setelah baca,anda mungkin lebih mengerti tentang arti logo mereka,”lautan darah”
3. Council of Foreign Relations (Dewan hubungan luar negeri)

Dewan Hubungan Luar Negeri bukan perusahaan, tetapi logo ini harus dibahas di sini. Jika Anda tahu apa-apa tentang politik internasional atau rencana untuk New World Order, Anda pasti tahu tentang CFR.Oleh jurnalis internasional dinamakan ” salah satu kebijakan politik paling berpengaruh di dunia”. Anggotanya juga tidak main-main yaitu perusahaan kelas atas dan mendunia yaitu: ABC News, American Express, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Ford Motor, Google, Halliburton, Heinz, IBM, Nike, Sony Corporation America, Visa. Dari kalangan perorangan : Barack Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Obama’s advisor), Hilary Clinton, Dick Cheney, John McCain, David Rockefeller.
Pada logo kita melihat seorang laki-laki telanjang sedanga menunggang kuda.Kelihatnya tidak ada yang aneh dengan logo ini,dan anda mungkin bertanya-tanya apa makna dan arti simbol ini?
Jawabanya adalah banwa penunggang kuda putih ini merupakan penjelmaan dari kuda pertama pada kitab wahyu,seperti yang tertulis pada pasal 6 ayat 2 kitab wahyu:
“Dan aku melihat: sesungguhnya, ada seekor kuda putih dan orang yang menungganginya memegang sebuah panah dan kepadanya dikaruniakan sebuah mahkota. Lalu ia maju sebagai pemenang untuk merebut kemenangan”
Orang yang duduk diatas kuda digambarkan telanjang,hal ini simbol dari keliaran dan dengan demikian tidak memiliki afiliasi budaya.Gerakan tangannya melambangkan “Sign of Admiration”, salah satu dari banyak tanda-tanda tangan klenik elite tetap melambaikan tangan pada wajah Anda tanpa Anda menyadarinya. Disini ada gambar Napoleon (Freemason and Illuminist) melakukan tanda yang sama.

Dokumentasi Masonic menerangkan bahwa ini merupakan ritual tingkat ke 6.

Mereka melakukan ritual dengan mengucapkan “Karena ia baik” enam kali,kemudain mengucapkan “ingatan adalah segalanya‘” enam kali.Kemudian mereka menaiki altar sebanyak enam kali juga,666. Kesimpulannya menurut Texe Marrs adalah:
Akhirnya pada logo CFR terdapat kata “Ubique”,yang artinya “dimana mana.Dalam artian anda tidak bisa menghidar dari penunggang kuda putih telanjang.
4. Vodafone
Akhirnya pada logo CFR terdapat kata “Ubique”,yang artinya “dimana mana.Dalam artian anda tidak bisa menghidar dari penunggang kuda putih telanjang.
4. Vodafone

logo ini mengundang kontroversial karena terdapat tiga angka 6 didalamnya,bisakah anda
Seperti yang anda tahu bahwa 666 adalah lambang setan/binatang dalam kitab wahyu.Selalu dihubungkan dengan setan dan antikristus. Peneltian menunjukan bahwa angka ini 666 melambangkan segala keduniawian.Orang-orang Vodafone tidak perduli akan hal ini malah kelihatanya mereka menikmatinya contohnya dalam iklan mereka yang jelas jelas menunjukan angka binatang/setan tersebut:
Bisa anda lihat dengan jelas 666
5. Alfa Romeo

Betul,ini adalah logo dari sebuah mobil eropa,tapi coba lihat pada logonya.Digambarkan disini hanya secara sederhana,dimana ular besar bermahkota seolah olah memakan tubuh seseorang.Tetapi jika kita lihat sejarah dari logo tersebut,maka terlihat menyeramkan dimana seseorang yang putus asa seakan akan minta tolong sedang dimakan si ular tua bermahkota.
Cerita dibalik pembuatan logo ini yaitu pada tahun 1910,seorang Romano Cattaneo diberi tugas untuk membuat logo untuk sebuah perusahaan mobil. Saat di menunggu kereta di Piazza Castello in Milan, dia melihat oleh sebuah gambar di pintu keluarga Visconti.Sebuah “biscione” yaitu ular yang memakan seorang anak manusia.Dalam sejarahnya “biscione” merupakan legenda di awal abad 5 masehi.Bahwa manusia yang dimakan itu namanya Moor,pada jaman perang salib.Jika itu terjadi, siapa atau apa ular melambangkan?
Lambang di Milan Central Station.Seekor ular besar menelann seorang anak.. mengerikan.
Beberapa penulis esoterik mengklaim bahwa ular sebenarnya merupakan sebuah kundalini (Shakra ular) makan sifat materi manusia, dengan demikian menandakan esoteris inisiasi. Itu mungkin. Tapi kenapa simbol ini ditempatkan di halaman depan Berlusconi?

Cerita dibalik pembuatan logo ini yaitu pada tahun 1910,seorang Romano Cattaneo diberi tugas untuk membuat logo untuk sebuah perusahaan mobil. Saat di menunggu kereta di Piazza Castello in Milan, dia melihat oleh sebuah gambar di pintu keluarga Visconti.Sebuah “biscione” yaitu ular yang memakan seorang anak manusia.Dalam sejarahnya “biscione” merupakan legenda di awal abad 5 masehi.Bahwa manusia yang dimakan itu namanya Moor,pada jaman perang salib.Jika itu terjadi, siapa atau apa ular melambangkan?

Beberapa penulis esoterik mengklaim bahwa ular sebenarnya merupakan sebuah kundalini (Shakra ular) makan sifat materi manusia, dengan demikian menandakan esoteris inisiasi. Itu mungkin. Tapi kenapa simbol ini ditempatkan di halaman depan Berlusconi?

Halaman depan rumah Sylvio Berlusconi (PM Italia-red) dengan gambar ular memakan manusia.
Sebuah penelitian oleh menunjukan bahwa simbol atau logo ini juga terdapat pada suku Aztek. Kalau dulu mungkin simbol ini hanya bermakna biasa tetapi sekarang lebih berdefinisi pada kaum elite atau perusahaan besar untuk menunjukan kekuasaan mereka.
Beberapa karya seni yang berhubungan dengan ular dan manusia.
Many large corporations pay millions of dollars to the manufacturer's logo, but you know it they slipped behind the blind even in bright logos publicly about devil worship or ocult.A. Procter and Gamble
This is the mother of all evil occult logo. This company (which produces most of your household products) has faced much controversy during the 1980's because of its significance. Because of a bad reputation, the logo does not appear on the product again but is still used in P & G official documentation.This logo shows the crescent moon with a human face on it. In occult symbolism, human face on a celestial body describes as a god. This month is usually depicted as a goddess because of the nature receptive. So who is this mystery?Masculine god? Some clues about the identities are hidden in the logo. First, look at each end of the crescent moon .. two horns. Keuda look at the bottom face of the moon, near the circle, there is a reverse 666.
There are exactly 13 stars in the logo, an important number in the esoteric (notably masonic) numerology. In a suit against Amway, P & G claims that the 13 stars called 13 colonies of the United States. Sorry, but it is 100% kosong.Mungkin way judges are bribed or just stupid to accept this ridiculous explanation, but everybody who understands the occult, to realize that the logo is not just a mere collection of images of stars, as they claim. Printed clearly in this logo astotheological esoteric symbol, as in the ancient worship of black magic.P & G has filed several lawsuits against its critics and recently won against Amway. Some may say, "Ok case closed, the judge ruled that it was not occult black magic". But people are not stupid.
2. Bechtel
We do not need to ask an expert to ask about the symbolic meaning of the symbol of "Bechtel" ini.Orang fool can guess though, there's nothing wrong with ini.Ya logo, you are right, this logo was normal, but behind all that there is an odd number of the sea and pulaunya.Kenapa red sea? why the island of gray? As if the sea filled the blood of people who are not guilty.
According to sources from Wikipedia, the company was repeatedly tripping problems, including:Water theft from the poor:One case among the people of Bolivia against Bechtel.Hal at issue is water. Two years ago Bechtel took over the public water system disebuah Bolivia's third largest city, Cochabamba, and in a few weeks they raised interest rates by 200 percent. When the company refused to lower tariffs, the people rebelled. Finally, because of widespread protests of the Bechtel was forced to leave Bolivia.Chemical factory building for Saddam Hussein:In 1988, just after Saddam Hussein has drawn international condemnation for using poisonous gas against thousands of Kurds, Bechtel signed a contract with Iraq to build a chemical plant.
The advantage of the fall of Saddam Hussein:Critics in the United States and its allies like Britain have questioned the process that awarded the contract to the U.S. and Iraq is an American company (Betchel).The advantage gained from the destruction of the Iraq war led to Bechtel alleged disaster capitalism.
The advantage of hurricane Katrina:
In 2005, Bechtel ditawarai contract by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to build temporary housing for disaster victims of Hurricane Katrina.Tetapi this much criticized, because the cost is very high and not with the resulting sepandan.
There are many examples of the depravity of this company, more jelasanya Bechtel's environmental record.Mungin read after read, you may better understand the meaning of their logos, "seas of blood"
3. Council of Foreign Relations (Council of Foreign Relations)
Council on Foreign Relations is not firm, but the logo should be discussed here. If you know anything about international politics or plans for the New World Order, you must know about CFR.Oleh international journalist called "one of the most influential political policy in the world". Members are also not playing the upper-class, global company that is: ABC News, American Express, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Ford Motor, Google, Halliburton, Heinz, IBM, Nike, Sony Corporation of America, Visa. Of the individual: Barack Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Obama's advisor), Hilary Clinton, Dick Cheney, John McCain, David Rockefeller.
On our logo to see a naked man riding kuda.Kelihatnya sedanga there is nothing strange with this logo, and you may be wondering what the significance and meaning of this symbol?The answer is Banwa white horseman is an embodiment of the first horse in the book of revelation, as laid out in Article 6 paragraph 2 of the book of Revelation:"And I looked, and behold a white horse and he who sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him. Then he went out conquering and to conquer "
The man who sat naked on a horse drawn, it is a symbol of wildness and thus has no affiliation budaya.Gerakan hand symbolizing "Sign of Admiration", one of many signs of the occult elite hands still waved in your face without you even knowing it. Here are pictures of Napoleon (Freemason and Illuminist) performs the same sign.
The documentation explains that this is a Masonic ritual to level 6.
They performed the ritual by saying "Because he either" six times, kemudain saying "memory is everything '" six kali.Kemudian they boarded altar six times as well, 666. The conclusion according to Texe Marrs are:Finally, in CFR logo contained the word "Ubique", which means "where mana.Dalam sense you can not evade their bare white horseman.
4. Vodafone
logo is inviting controversial because there are three number 6 in it, can yousee it?
As you know that 666 is the symbol of the devil / beast in the book wahyu.Selalu associated with Satan and the antichrist. Other research indicates that this figure represents all 666 Vodafone keduniawian.Orang people do not care about it even looks like they enjoy it for example in ads that clearly indicates their clear mark of the beast / Satan is:
You can see clearly 666
5. Alfa Romeo
Yes, this is the logo of a European car, but look at logonya.Digambarkan here only in a simple, where the big snake eat the body as if crowned seseorang.Tetapi if we look at the history of the logo, it looks creepy when someone who seemed desperate will ask for help are being eaten by the ancient serpent crown.
The story behind the making of this logo in 1910, a Romano Cattaneo was given the task to create a logo for a company car. When the train waiting at the Piazza Castello in Milan, he was seen by a family picture on the door Visconti.Sebuah "biscione" the snake that ate a child manusia.Dalam history "biscione" is a legend in the early fifth century that eat human masehi.Bahwa name Moor, at the time of the war salib.Jika that happens, who or what the snake symbolizes?
Coat in Milan Central Station.Seekor big snake menelann a child .. terrible.Some authors claim that esoteric snake is actually a kundalini (Shakra snake) ate properties of human material, thus indicating an esoteric initiation. That may be.But why this symbol is placed on the front page of Berlusconi?
Front yard Sylvio Berlusconi (Italian Prime-red) with pictures of snakes eating humans.A study by indicates that the symbol or logo is also found in the Aztec tribe. If the first symbol may be meaningful only common but is now more definition on the elite or large companies to show their power.Some works of art associated with snakes and humans.
This is the mother of all evil occult logo. This company (which produces most of your household products) has faced much controversy during the 1980's because of its significance. Because of a bad reputation, the logo does not appear on the product again but is still used in P & G official documentation.This logo shows the crescent moon with a human face on it. In occult symbolism, human face on a celestial body describes as a god. This month is usually depicted as a goddess because of the nature receptive. So who is this mystery?Masculine god? Some clues about the identities are hidden in the logo. First, look at each end of the crescent moon .. two horns. Keuda look at the bottom face of the moon, near the circle, there is a reverse 666.
There are exactly 13 stars in the logo, an important number in the esoteric (notably masonic) numerology. In a suit against Amway, P & G claims that the 13 stars called 13 colonies of the United States. Sorry, but it is 100% kosong.Mungkin way judges are bribed or just stupid to accept this ridiculous explanation, but everybody who understands the occult, to realize that the logo is not just a mere collection of images of stars, as they claim. Printed clearly in this logo astotheological esoteric symbol, as in the ancient worship of black magic.P & G has filed several lawsuits against its critics and recently won against Amway. Some may say, "Ok case closed, the judge ruled that it was not occult black magic". But people are not stupid.
2. Bechtel
We do not need to ask an expert to ask about the symbolic meaning of the symbol of "Bechtel" ini.Orang fool can guess though, there's nothing wrong with ini.Ya logo, you are right, this logo was normal, but behind all that there is an odd number of the sea and pulaunya.Kenapa red sea? why the island of gray? As if the sea filled the blood of people who are not guilty.
According to sources from Wikipedia, the company was repeatedly tripping problems, including:Water theft from the poor:One case among the people of Bolivia against Bechtel.Hal at issue is water. Two years ago Bechtel took over the public water system disebuah Bolivia's third largest city, Cochabamba, and in a few weeks they raised interest rates by 200 percent. When the company refused to lower tariffs, the people rebelled. Finally, because of widespread protests of the Bechtel was forced to leave Bolivia.Chemical factory building for Saddam Hussein:In 1988, just after Saddam Hussein has drawn international condemnation for using poisonous gas against thousands of Kurds, Bechtel signed a contract with Iraq to build a chemical plant.
The advantage of the fall of Saddam Hussein:Critics in the United States and its allies like Britain have questioned the process that awarded the contract to the U.S. and Iraq is an American company (Betchel).The advantage gained from the destruction of the Iraq war led to Bechtel alleged disaster capitalism.
The advantage of hurricane Katrina:
In 2005, Bechtel ditawarai contract by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to build temporary housing for disaster victims of Hurricane Katrina.Tetapi this much criticized, because the cost is very high and not with the resulting sepandan.
There are many examples of the depravity of this company, more jelasanya Bechtel's environmental record.Mungin read after read, you may better understand the meaning of their logos, "seas of blood"
3. Council of Foreign Relations (Council of Foreign Relations)
Council on Foreign Relations is not firm, but the logo should be discussed here. If you know anything about international politics or plans for the New World Order, you must know about CFR.Oleh international journalist called "one of the most influential political policy in the world". Members are also not playing the upper-class, global company that is: ABC News, American Express, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Ford Motor, Google, Halliburton, Heinz, IBM, Nike, Sony Corporation of America, Visa. Of the individual: Barack Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Obama's advisor), Hilary Clinton, Dick Cheney, John McCain, David Rockefeller.
On our logo to see a naked man riding kuda.Kelihatnya sedanga there is nothing strange with this logo, and you may be wondering what the significance and meaning of this symbol?The answer is Banwa white horseman is an embodiment of the first horse in the book of revelation, as laid out in Article 6 paragraph 2 of the book of Revelation:"And I looked, and behold a white horse and he who sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him. Then he went out conquering and to conquer "
The man who sat naked on a horse drawn, it is a symbol of wildness and thus has no affiliation budaya.Gerakan hand symbolizing "Sign of Admiration", one of many signs of the occult elite hands still waved in your face without you even knowing it. Here are pictures of Napoleon (Freemason and Illuminist) performs the same sign.
The documentation explains that this is a Masonic ritual to level 6.
They performed the ritual by saying "Because he either" six times, kemudain saying "memory is everything '" six kali.Kemudian they boarded altar six times as well, 666. The conclusion according to Texe Marrs are:Finally, in CFR logo contained the word "Ubique", which means "where mana.Dalam sense you can not evade their bare white horseman.
4. Vodafone
logo is inviting controversial because there are three number 6 in it, can yousee it?
As you know that 666 is the symbol of the devil / beast in the book wahyu.Selalu associated with Satan and the antichrist. Other research indicates that this figure represents all 666 Vodafone keduniawian.Orang people do not care about it even looks like they enjoy it for example in ads that clearly indicates their clear mark of the beast / Satan is:
You can see clearly 666
5. Alfa Romeo
Yes, this is the logo of a European car, but look at logonya.Digambarkan here only in a simple, where the big snake eat the body as if crowned seseorang.Tetapi if we look at the history of the logo, it looks creepy when someone who seemed desperate will ask for help are being eaten by the ancient serpent crown.
The story behind the making of this logo in 1910, a Romano Cattaneo was given the task to create a logo for a company car. When the train waiting at the Piazza Castello in Milan, he was seen by a family picture on the door Visconti.Sebuah "biscione" the snake that ate a child manusia.Dalam history "biscione" is a legend in the early fifth century that eat human masehi.Bahwa name Moor, at the time of the war salib.Jika that happens, who or what the snake symbolizes?
Coat in Milan Central Station.Seekor big snake menelann a child .. terrible.Some authors claim that esoteric snake is actually a kundalini (Shakra snake) ate properties of human material, thus indicating an esoteric initiation. That may be.But why this symbol is placed on the front page of Berlusconi?
Front yard Sylvio Berlusconi (Italian Prime-red) with pictures of snakes eating humans.A study by indicates that the symbol or logo is also found in the Aztec tribe. If the first symbol may be meaningful only common but is now more definition on the elite or large companies to show their power.Some works of art associated with snakes and humans.
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