Munculnya suatu penguasa dunia yang baru mungkin bisa menjadi ancaman bagi dunia. Suatu tatanan dunia baru dalam satu penguasa menjadi ancaman tersendiri sekaligus perwujudan dari Bible yang telah mengatakan bahwa akan munculnya satu penguasa tunggal dunia yang akan menjadi tanda-tanda akhir zaman. Dalam artikel saya kali ini, saya akan menjelaskan tentang 3 kelompok atau organisasi yang mempunyai peluang untuk menjadikan dunia dalam genggaman mereka.
1. Rothschild
Organisasi yang bernama Rothschild ini adalah organisasi rahasia yang dimiliki Jerman dan diklaim mempunyai agen-agen yang berperan dalam sektor-sektor vital dunia. Saya pertama kali mengenal istilah ini ketika sedang mencari tahu seputar Holocaust danHitler. Ada teori konspirasi yang mengatakan bahwa diduga Hitler tidak mati bunuh diri dalam bunker seperti yang selama ini diajarkan dalam sejarah, tetapi ia berhasil kabur ke Argentina dengan sebuah kapal perang, dan bahkan disembunyikan dengan aman oleh para pengikut Rothschild di Argentina. Beberapa bukti menunjukkan foto-foto (meskipun sebagian wajahnya tertutup kain) yang diduga adalah foto Hitler ketika meninggal pada usia 90-an di Argentina.
Nah! Kita kembali pada penjelasan mengenai Rothschild. Organisasi ini mengklaim bahwa mereka sudah menguasai sektor-sektor vital untuk jangka waktu yang cukup lama.

Ketika saya melakukan investigasi dengan Google juga, saya menemukan banyak sumber yang mengkaitkan Rothschild dengan Yahudi, tapi saya sepenuhnya tidak percaya bahwa organisasi Rothschild ini adalah milik Yahudi, meskipun para pengikut Rothschild mengaku bahwa mereka adalah suku Yahudi asli, tapi sejarah yang mereka bantah terlalu kokoh.
Kenyataannya mereka adalah orang Khazar. Mereka datang dari sebuah negara yang disebut Khazaria, yang terletak di antara Laut Hitam dan Laut Kaspia yang sekarang dimiliki oleh Georgia. Alasan mengapa keturunan Khazar mengklaim mereka sebagai orang Yahudi adalah karena pada tahun 740 Masehi, atas perintah dari raja mereka (King Moon), rakyat Khazaria harus memeluk kepercayaan Yahudi, tetapi tentu saja itu tidak mengubah gen mereka dari Mongolia Asia (Turki) menjadi orang Yahudi.
Beberapa fakta yang menarik mengenai Rothschild adalah:
Saat ini hanya 6 negara di dunia yang bank sentralnya tidak terpengaruh jaringan Rothschild. Mereka adalah Iran, Irak, Korea Utara, Sudan, Kuba, dan Libya.
Bank Sentral Eropa didirikan di Frankfurt yang merupakan kota kelahiran Rothschild.
2. Opus Dei
Mereka merupakan kekuatan terhebat Vatikan yang senantiasa melindungi Vatikan dari kekuatan musuh manapun. Saya menganggap kelompok ini sebagai saingan berat dari kelompok Organisasi Freemason. Opus Dei secara harafiah dapat diartikan sebagai‘Pekerjaan Tuhan’.

Menjelang tahun 1946, Opus Dei memperluas jaringannya ke Italia, Portugal dan Inggris. Pada tahun 1982, kelompok ini telah mengkonsolidasi kekuatannya yang begitu sukses sehingga Paus Yohanes Paulus II mengangkat kelompok ini sebagai agen pribadi dari Vatikan. Di kalangan publik pun tersebar rumor tentang pengaruh Opus Dei yang tidak semestinya, yang digunakan atas nama kepausan. Ketika Escriva (pendiri Opus Dei pada tahun 1028) diangkat menjadi santo pada tahun 2002, secara tidak langsung tindakan Paus telah mengkonfirmasikan rumor tersebut.
Ketika Dan Brown memberikan prasangkanya mengenai ‘pengikut Katolik yang sangat taat’ ini, mata dunia hanya menganggapnya sebagai bumbu dalam novel fiksi dari Dan Brown. ‘Fakta’ yang menjadi pengantar novel Dan Brown menjadi sangat menarik perhatian akan laporan-laporan tentang ‘cuci-otak, kekerasan dan praktek berbahaya yang disebut mereka sebagai ‘penyangkalan badani’, sekaligus memperhatikan kegiatan terakhir merka yang membangun Markas Besar mereka di Lexington Avenue, New York. Markas itu berada nun jauh dari tempat kelompok masyarakat sederhana ini dibentuk oleh Escriva diMadrid pada tahun 1028, saat ia menjadi imam Katolik yang sederhana. Jika anda sudah pernah menyaksikan versi film dari Da Vinci Code, anda mungkin masih ingat seorang albino yang kelihatan galak dan terlihat seperti haus darah. Nah! Mereka inilah yang merupakan pengikut dari organisasi Opus Dei. Opus Dei saat ini mengklaim telah memiliki lebih dari 85.000 anggota.

Praktek-praktek Opus Dei yang tertutup sering menimbulkan bayak spekulasi dari publik. Salah satu praktek ritual mereka yang membuat orang tercengang adalah seperti ‘Menit Kepahlawanan’ pada saat bangun tidur. Para anggota diminta untuk melompat dari ranjang, berlutut mencium lantai dan mengucapkan “serviam” yang diartikan sebagai “saya akan melayani”. Selanjutnya adalah cara penyangkalan badani mereka seperti tidur di lantai, mandi air dingin dan tidak menyantap hidangan penutup saat makan malam.
Cara penyangkalan badani yang ekstrim lainnya adalah dengan menggunakan alat-alat penyiksa diri seperti menggunakan cambuk yang dipukulkan ke bagian punggung atau pantat mereka sekali seminggu. Alat populer lainnya yang mereka gunakan adalah apa yang dinamakan Cilice.
Cilice adalah sebuah rantai berpaku yang yang dikenakan disekeliling paha bagian atas selama dua jam setiap hari sehingga meninggalkan lubang-lubang kecil dalam daging.
Bagi yang sudah menyaksikan film Da Vinci Code, saya rasa sudah mulai teringat akan gambaran yang dilukiskan dalam film itu.

Salah satu praktek penyelamatan ‘wajah Vatikan’ yang dilakukan Opus Dei antara lain ketika pada November 1975. Saat itu Amerika Serikat sudah melegalkan aborsi sejak 3 tahun sebelumnya. Vatikan mulai menyiapkan sejumlah rencana dengan mengirim beberapa agen Opus Dei yang berpengaruh ke Gedung Putih (perlu dicatat bahwa Opus Dei memiliki anggota-anggota yang duduk dalam sektor vital di berbagai negara di dunia, seperti Ruth Kelly yang duduk dalam menteri dalam pemerintahan Inggris) untuk melakukan lobi guna membalikkan tren aborsi ini dan menyuarakan Pro Kehidupan. Hasilnya, enam hari kemudian dokumen penting NSM 200 (National Security Memorandum atau Memorandum Keamanan Nasional) yang sudah diterima presiden Ford yang berisi hasil-hasil penelitian yang memakan anggaran yang besar terhadap konsekuensi-konsekuensi dari kelebihan penduduk akhirnya dikubur.
Lihat betapa mudahnya Vatikan mengendalikan dunia dari balik tembok-temboknya dengan bantuan Opus Dei.
3. Freemason

Freemasonry adalah organisasi Yahudi Internasional, sekaligus merupakan gerakan rahasia paling besar dan palling berpengaruh di seluruh dunia. Freemasonry terdiri dari dua kata yang di satukan. Free artinya bebas atau merdeka, sedangkan Mason adalah juru bangun atau pembangun.
Tujuan akhir dari gerakan Freemason ini adalah membangun kembali cita-cita khayalan mereka, yakni mendirikan Haikal Sulaiman atau Solomon Temple.
Tentang Bait Salomo ini sendiri banyak sumber yang mendefinisikan berlainan. Salah satu tafsir yang paling populer adalah, bahwa Bait Salomo berada di tanah yang kini di atasnya berdiri Masjid Il Aqsha.
Mereka meyakini, tahun 1012 Sebelum Masehi (SM), Salomo membangun Bait Suci di atas Gunung Soraya di wilayah Palestina. Tapi pada tahun 586 SM, Raja Nebukhadnezar dari Babilonia menghancurkan Haikal Sulaiman ini. Tahun 533 SM, bangunan ini didirikan kembali oleh seorang bernama Zulbabil yang telah bebas dari tawanan Babilonia. Atas kebebasannya itulah, ia membangun kembali Bait Suci Salomo.
Nah! Banyak sumber Freemason menjelaskan bahwa sejarah berdirinya gerakan ini berakar jauh dan bisa dilacak hingga ke masa Ordo Knight of Templar saat perang Salib di Yerusalem, Palestina. Saat Paus Urbanus II pada tahun 1095, usai Konsili Clermont menyerukan Perang Suci atau Crusade dan memobilisasi kaum Kristiani di seluruh Eropa untuk turut berperang merebut Yerusalem kembali dari kekuasaan Turki.
Nah! Setelah mereka menguasai tanah Palestina, pasukan Salib yang terdiri dari banyak unsur mulai mendirikan kelompoknya masing-masing. Mereka tergabung dalam ordo-ordo tertentu. Para anggota ordo ini datang dari seluruh tanah Eropa, yang ditampung di biara-biara tertentu dan berlatih cara-cara militer di dalam biara tersebut. Dan satu dari sekian ordo yang sangat mencuat namanya adalah Ordo Knight of Templar.
Knight of Templar juga disebut sebagai tentara miskin Pengikut Yesus Kristus dan Bait Salomo. Disebut miskin karena tergambar dari logo yang mereka gunakan, seperti dua tentara yang menunggang seekor keledai. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa mereka miskin, sampai-sampai satu keledai harus dinaiki dua orang tentara Knight of Templar. Bahkan tercatat, mereka dipaksa untuk makan tiga kali saja dalam semingu. Sedangkan nama Bait Salomo mereka pakai karena mereka menjadikan markas mereka yang dipercayai sebagai situs runtuhnya Bait Salomo atau Solomon Temple. Tapi sesungguhnya, pemilihan markas di bukit ini bukan sebuah kebetulan yang bersifat geografis semata, karena para pendiri ordo Knight of Templar sesunguhnya punya cirta-cita sendiri untuk mengembalikan kejayaan dan berdirinya Bait Salomo sebagai tempat suci kaum Yahudi atau tempatnya kaum Mason. Sepanjang bisa terlacak, pendiri ordo ini adalah dua ksatria Prancis, yaitu Hugh de Pavens dan God frey de St Omer. Spekulasi dari kalangan sejarawan mengatakan, bahwa ada darah-darah Yahudi yang mengalir dalam tubuh dan cita-cita para pendiri Ordo Knigh of Templar. Para perwira tinggi Kristen tersebut, sesungguhnya proses convertion yang mereka lakukan hanyalah cara untuk menyelamatkan diri, dan sesungguhnya mereka masih berpegang teguh pada doktrin-doktrin Yahudi, terutama Kabbalah.
Meski mereka menamakan diri sebagai tentara miskin, sesunguhnya mereka tidak miskin-miskin amat. Atau setidaknya, masa miskin itu hanya mereka rasakan di awal-awal berdirinya Knight of Templars. Dalam waktu yang singkat mereka mampu menjadi sangat kaya raya dengan jalan melakukan kontrol penuh terhadap peziarah Eropa yang datang ke Palestiana. Salah satunya adalah dengan cara merekrut anak-anak muda putra para bangsawan Eropa yang tentu saja akan melengkapi anak mereka dengan perbekalan dana yang seolah tak pernah kering jumlahnya. Mereka juga disebut sebagai perintis sistem perbankan pertama pada abad pertengahan.
Saat itu banyak orang-orang Eropa yang ingin pindah atau setidaknya berziarah ke Palestina. Dan tentu saja perjalanan yang jauh dari Eropa memerlukan bekal yang tidak sedikit. Ada yang membawa seluruh harta mereka dalam perjalanan, tapi karena tentara Salib disepanjang perjalanan hidup dalam kondisi yang sangat mengenaskan dan mereka sangat tergiur oleh harta kekayaan, tidak jarang terjadi perampokan bahkan saling bunuh antar orang Kristen disepanjang perjalanan menuju Palestina. Lalu ditemukan cara, para peziarah tidak perlu membawa harta mereka dalam perjalanan. Mereka hanya perlu menitipkannya pada sebuah perwakilan Templar di Eropa, mencatat dan menghitung nilainya dan mereka berangkat ke Palestina berbekal catatan nilai harta yang nantinya akan ditukarkan dengan nilai uang yang sama di Palestina. Gerakan ini banyak didominasi oleh Ordo Knight of Templar yang membuat mereka sangat kaya raya karena mendapat keuntungan dari sistem bunga yang mereka kembangkan. Dan inilah embrio atau cikal bakal perbankan yang kita kenal sekarang.
Markas Knight of Templar di Prancis menjadi rumah penghimpunan harta terbesar di Eropa. Lambat laun mereka menjadi bankir bagi para Paus dan Raja. Bagaimana tidak cepat kaya, setiap tahunyya King Henry II of England mendonasikan uang untuk menanggung biaya hidup 15.000 tentara Knight of Templar dan juga Knight Hospitaler selama mereka berperang dalam Perang Salib di tahun 1170. Untuk menggambarkan betapa besarnya institusi perbankan yang dijalankan Templar, pada saat itu organisasi ini memiliki 7.000 pegawai lebih hanya untuk mengurusi masalah keuangan. Mereka juga memiliki tak kurang dari 870 istana, kastil, dan rumah-rumah para bangsawan yang terbentang dari London hingga Yerusalem.
Nah! Karena ordo ini sangat berkuasa, lambat laun mereka mulai menampakkan ciri aslinya, yakni sebagai penganut Mason. Mereka mengembangkan doktrin dan ajaran mistik, juga kekuatan sihir di biara-biara mereka. Mereka memuja setan dan mendatangkan roh-roh untuk berkomunikasi. Apa yang mereka praktikkan ini disebut sebagai Kabbalah, sebuah tradisi mistik Yahudi kuno yang telah berkembang bahkan sejak zaman sebelum Firaun.
Mengetahui hal ini, Raja Prancis Philip le Bel, pada tahun 1307 mengeluarkan seruan untuk menangkap dan membubarkan ordo Knight of Templar karena dituduh telah melakukan bidah. Dalam perkembangannya, Paus Clement V turut bergabung untuk memerangi kaum Mason ini dengan mengeluarkan kembali vonis inkuisisi. Terjadi banyak penangkapan dan interogasi, dan beberapa pimpinan Ordo Knight of Templar yang bergelar Grand Master (penyebutan ini masih dipakai sebagai tingkat tertinggi dalam gerakan Freemasonry sampai sekarang) menjadi korban.
Pada tahun 1307, Raja Philip IV memerintahkan penangkapan Jacques de Molay. Dan setelah melalui penyiksaan demi penyiksaan, de Molay mengakui segala ritual bidah yang dilakukan oleh Ordo Templar. Pada tahun 1312, Ordo Knight of Templar dilarang dan dibubarkan. Dan atas perintah Gereja dan Raja , dua tahun kemudian, yaitu pada tahun 1314, para pimpinan Templar dihukum mati, termasuk Jacques de Molay, salah satu Grand Master terpenting Ordo Templar. Jacques de Molay sendiri divonis sebagai heretic (bid’ah) atau kafir dan dihukum dengan cara dibakar hidup-hidup di depan raja Philip IV. Dan sebelum menghembuskan napasnya, de Molay mengeluarkan kata-kata bahwa Raja Philip dan Paus Clement harus mengikutinya, mati, dalam waktu satu tahun. Dan sejarah mencatat, Raja Philip IV meninggal tujuh bulan kemudian, disusul Paus Clement sebulan setelah Raja Philip.
Setelah itu terjadi pemusnahan besar-besaran, sekali lagi atas kaum Yahudi, dan kali ini bermula dengan kasus Knight of Templar atau kaum Mason. Pemusnahan ini tak hanya terjadi di Palestina, tapi juga terjadi di Eropa. Mereka diburu untuk ditangkap dan dibunuh. Sampai akhirnya mereka berhasil melarikan diri dan mendapat perlindungan dari Raja Skotlandia, Robert The Bruce yang dilantik dan menduduki singgasana Raja pada tahun 1306. Dan di tanah baru ini pula mereka menyusun kekuatan kembali. Dan Skotlandia menjadi salah satu yang menentukan dalam perkembangan gerakan Freemason.
Versi yang lebih tua dari sejarah Freemason adalah kisah yang menyebutkan pembentukan Freemasonry pada zaman Raja Israel, Herodes Agripa I yang meninggal pada tahun 44 Masehi. Freemason pada zaman ini dibentuk untuk membendung ajaran agama yang disampaikan oleh Nabi Isa as. Konon waktu itu namanya The Secret Power atau kekutan yang Tersembunyi. Tujuan utamanya adalah memusuhi pengikut Nabi Isa, menculik mereka, membunuh, melarang penyebaran agama baru tersebut, termasuk membunuhi baya-bayi Kristen. Tapi, berkenaan dengan segala kesadisan yang dilakukan Herodes ini, para sejarawan dunia, meyakini bahwa hal tersebut hanyalah mitos belaka dalam tradisi agama Kristen. Herodes Agripa I menjalankan segala misi The Secret Power ini dibantu dua pengikut setianya, Heram Abioud sebagai Wakil Presiden gerakan dan Moab Leumi sebagai pemegang rahasia utama gerakan ini. Tapi beberapa anggota Freemason juaga mempercayai dan menarik sejauh mungkin sejarah mereka ke masa lalu, bahkan hingga ke zaman Firaun. Itu pula yang menjadi salah satu penjelasan mengapa mereka kerap kali menggunakan simbol-simbol Mesir Kuno dalam tradisi dan aktivitas ritual mereka, seperti penggunaan Dewa Horus, Piramida, Matahari dan berbagai simbol Mesir lainnya. Penggunaan ini bermula dari penggalian Kuil Sulaiman oleh para Templa dan penemuan doktrin dan ajaran Kabbalah yang terus-menerus mereka eksplorasi dan diajarkan dari mulut ke mulut. Penggalian ini begitu serius mereka lakukan sehingga kelak akan mempengaruhi cara pandang kaum Templar dan juga rencana mereka pada kehidupan dunia.
Sepak Terjang Yahudi ini sendiri sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Bahkan saya menemukan banyak sekali buku-buku tentang Yahudi di toko buku Gramedia. Setiap buku di sana tidak ada satupun yang membela Yahudi. Semua buku menceritakan bagaimana pengaruh Yahudi di dunia ini yang sudah meluas dengan signifikan.
Mengenai fakta dibalik sepak terjang mereka, saya menemukan terlalu banyak kasus, sehingga tidak mudah memilih salah satu untuk dimuat disini. Tapi yang perlu anda ketahui, Microsoft digenggam Yahudi, 65% saham-saham di Wall Street digenggam Yahudi, mantan presiden Amerika, Bush Sr. Dan Bush Jr. adalah orang Yahudi, dan yang terutama adalah anggota-anggota mereka banyak yang duduk di posisi penting pemerintahan dunia.
The emergence of a new ruler of the world that could possibly be a threat to the world. A new world order in a single ruler to be a threat as well as a separate embodiment of the Bible that has been said that the emergence of a single world ruler who will be the signs of the end times. In my article this time, I will explain about the three groups or organizations that have a chance to make the world in their grip.
A. RothschildRothschild named organization is a secret organization that has claimed the Germans and agencies that play a role in the vital sectors of the world. I first encountered this term when finding out about the Holocaust and Hitler. There are conspiracy theorists who say that Hitler allegedly committed suicide in a bunker as long as it is taught in history, but he managed to escape to Argentina with a ship of war, and even hidden safely by the followers of Rothschild in Argentina.Some evidence suggests the photos (although most of his face covered with cloth) who allegedly is a photograph of Hitler when he died at the age of the 90s in Argentina.Now! We return to the explanation of the Rothschilds. These organizations claim that they have mastered the vital sectors for a period of time.
When I do a Google investigation, I found many sources that relate to the Jewish Rothschild, but I totally do not believe that the organization is owned by the Jewish Rothschild, Rothschild although the followers claimed that they were the original Jewish tribes, but they argue that history is too strong .
In fact they are Khazars. They come from a country called Khazaria, which lies between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now owned by Georgia.The reason why the descendants of the Khazars as Jews claim they are due in the year 740 AD, on the orders of their king (King Moon), the people of Khazaria must embrace the Jewish faith, but of course it did not change their genes from Mongolia Asia (Turkey) to be a Jew .
Some interesting facts about Rothschild is:Currently only 6 countries in the world's central banks are not affected Rothschild network. They are Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, and Libya.The European Central Bank was established in Frankfurt which is the hometown Rothschild.
2. Opus DeiThey are the Vatican's greatest strength is always to protect the Vatican from any hostile forces. I consider this group as arch-rivals of the Organization of Freemasons. Opus Dei can be interpreted literally as 'God's Work'.
By the year 1946, Opus Dei expanded its network to Italy, Portugal and the UK. In 1982, the group has consolidated his power was so successful that Pope John Paul II raised the group as a personal agent of the Vatican. Among the public rumor was spread about the influence of Opus Dei is not supposed to, which is used on behalf of the papacy. When Escriva (founder of Opus Dei in 1028) was named a saint in 2002, indirectly measures the Pope has confirmed these rumors.When Dan Brown gives his prejudices about 'a very devout Catholic followers', the eyes of the world just take it as a seasoning in the fiction of Dan Brown's novel.'Fact' that the introduction of novel Dan Brown will be very interesting reports about the 'brain-washing, violence and harmful practices are referred to them as' denial of the flesh', as well as attention to recent events that they see themselves build their headquarters on Lexington Avenue, New York. The headquarters is located far away from where the group is formed by simple people Escriva in Madrid in 1028, when he became a Catholic priest is simple. If you've ever watched the movie version of Da Vinci Code, you may remember an albino who looks ferocious and bloodthirsty look like. Now! Those who are followers of this organization Opus Dei. Opus Dei has now claimed more than 85,000 members.
Opus Dei practices that often lead to stout sealed from public speculation. One of their ritual practices that make people amazed is like 'Minute Hero' on waking.The members were asked to jump out of bed, knelt and kissed the floor saying "serviam" which translates as "I will serve". Next is a way of denying their flesh like sleeping on the floor, cold showers and no dessert at dinner.The way the other extreme bodily denial is to use instruments of torture myself like to use the whip to the back or slapped their buttocks once a week. Another popular tool they use is what is called cilice.Cilice is a spiked chain worn around the upper thigh for two hours each day, leaving small holes in the flesh.For those who've seen the movie Da Vinci Code, I feel I have started to think of the picture portrayed in the film.
One of the practice rescue 'the Vatican faces' does Opus Dei, among others, when in November 1975. At that time the United States has legalized abortion since the previous 3 years. The Vatican began preparing a plan to send some agents that affect Opus Dei to the White House (it should be noted that Opus Dei has members who sit in a vital sector in various countries around the world, such as Ruth Kelly, who sat in the British minister in the government) to do abortion lobby to reverse this trend and voiced Pro Life. The result, six days later an important document NSM 200 (National Security National Security Memorandum or Memorandum) which have been accepted President Ford that contains the results of research that takes a huge budget to the consequences of overpopulation finally buried.See how easy it is to control the world from behind the Vatican walls with the help of Opus Dei.
3. Freemasons
Freemasonry is the international Jewish organizations, as well as a large movement of the most secret and influential Palling around the world.Freemasonry consists of two words are united. Free means free or independent, while Mason is the interpreter built or builder.The final goal of Freemasonry is to rebuild their imaginary ideals, which established the Temple of Solomon, or Solomon Temple.About the Temple of Solomon itself that defines many different sources. One of the most popular interpretation is that the Temple of Solomon was in the land that is now upon Il-Aqsa Mosque stands.They believe, in 1012 BCE (BC), Solomon built the Temple on Mount Anderson in the Palestinian territories. But in 586 BC, king of Babylon Nebukhadnezar Temple of Solomon was destroyed. The year 533 BC, the building was set back by a fellow named Zulbabil who has been freed from Babylonian captivity. That's his freedom, he rebuilt the Temple of Solomon.
Now! Many sources explained that the history of the Freemason movement is deeply rooted and can be traced to the Order of the Knights of Templar Crusades while in Jerusalem, Palestine. When Pope Urban II in 1095, after the Council of Clermont called Holy War or Crusade and mobilize the Christians across Europe to engage in war took Jerusalem back from the Turks.
Now! After they had conquered the land of Palestine, the Crusaders made up of many elements begin to establish their respective group. They are members of certain orders. The members of this order come from all over European soil, which is accommodated in certain monasteries and practiced military means in the abbey. And one of the very order of sticking his name is the Order of Knights of Templar.
Knight of Templar is also referred to as the poor soldiers follower of Jesus Christ and the Temple of Solomon. Called poor as reflected in the logo they use, such as the two soldiers who rode a donkey. To show that they are poor, to the extent that a donkey should ride two soldiers Knight of Templar. Even recorded, they were forced to eat three times in a week. While they use the name of Solomon's Temple as they make their headquarters are believed to be the site of Solomon's Temple or the collapse of the Solomon Temple. But really, the election headquarters in the hills is not a mere coincidence that the geographical nature, as the founders of the Order of Knight Templar Cirta precisely the ideals themselves have to restore the glory and the founding of Solomon's Temple as a holy place where the Jews or Masons. Can be traced throughout, the founder of this Order are the two French knights, Hugh de Pavens and the God Frey de St Omer. Speculation among historians say, that no blood-Jewish blood flowing in the body and the ideals of the founders of the Order of Templars Knigh. Christian senior officers, the convertion process that they actually do is a way to save themselves, and indeed they still cling to the doctrines of the Jews, especially the Kabbalah.
Although they call themselves as poor soldiers, they are not precisely the poor-very poor. Or at least, the poor that they only felt in the early days of the Knight Templars. In the short time they can become very wealthy by doing complete control of European pilgrims who come to Palestiana. One of them is to recruit young sons of the nobility of Europe which of course will equip their children with the supplies funds that seemed never dry amount. They are also known as a pioneer of the first banking system in the Middle Ages.
At that time many of the Europeans who want to move or at least made a pilgrimage to Palestine. And of course the long journey from Europe require no small amount of stock. Some are carrying all their possessions on the way, but because the soldiers of the Cross along the journey of life in a very unpleasant and they were very tempted by wealth, robberies are not rare even among the Christians killed each other along the journey to Palestine. Then found a way, the pilgrims did not have to carry their possessions on the way. They just need to leave him with a representative of the Templars in Europe, record and calculate its value, and they went to Palestine armed with a record of property values that will be exchanged for the same money in Palestine. This movement is largely dominated by the Order of the Knights of Templar that make them very wealthy due to benefit from the system of interest that they develop. And this is the embryo or embryo banking as we know it.
Knight of Templar headquarters in France to house the collection of the greatest treasures in Europe. Gradually they became bankers to the Pope and the King.How not to get rich quick, every tahunyya King Henry II of England donated the money to cover living expenses 15 000 troops Knight of Knight Templar and Hospitallers during their fight in the Crusades in the year 1170. To illustrate the magnitude of the banking institution that is run Templar, at the time this organization has 7,000 more employees just to deal with financial problems. They also have no less than 870 palaces, castles, and houses of the nobility that stretched from London to Jerusalem.
Now! Because of this Order is in power, they gradually began to reveal its original characteristics, ie, as followers of Mason. They developed the doctrine and teachings of the mystical, magical powers are also in their monasteries. They worship the devil and bring the spirits to communicate. What they practice is known as Kabbalah, an ancient Jewish mystical tradition that has evolved even since the days before the Pharaoh.
Knowing this, the French King Philip le Bel, in 1307 issued a call for the arrest and dissolved the order Knight of Templar accused of heresy. During its development, Pope Clement V joined to combat this by issuing the Masons returned a verdict inquisition. There were many arrests and interrogations, and some leaders of the Order of Knights of Templar who holds a Grand Master (the mention of this was used as the highest level in the Freemasonry movement until now) to the victim.
In 1307, King Philip IV ordered the arrest of Jacques de Molay. And after going through torture for torture, de Molay admitted all heretics ritual performed by the Order. In 1312, the Order of Knights of Templar banned and disbanded. And on the orders of the Church and King, two years later, in the year 1314, the Templar leaders put to death, including Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the most important one of the Knights Templar. Jacques de Molay himself convicted as a heretic (heretic) or disbelieved and punished by being burned alive in front of King Philip IV. And before blowing his breath, de Molay the words that King Philip and Pope Clement must follow, die within a year. And historical records, King Philip IV died seven months later, Pope Clement followed a month after King Philip.
Once that happens the massive destruction, the Jews again, and this time the case began with the Knights of Templar or the Masons. Culling is not only happening in Palestine, but also occurs in Europe. They hunted for the captured and killed. Until finally they managed to escape and get protection from the King of Scotland, Robert the Bruce who was sworn in and occupied the throne of the King in 1306. And in this new land they are getting organized again. And Scotland to be one that determines the development of Freemasonry.
The older version of the history of Freemasonry is a story that mentions the establishment of Freemasonry in the days of King of Israel, Herod Agrippa I, who died in 44 AD. Freemasons at the time was formed to stem the religion given by Prophet Isa. It is said that time was called The Secret of Hidden Power or kekutan. Its main purpose is hostile to the followers of Prophet Jesus, they kidnap, kill, prohibit the spread of new religions, including middle-killing Christian babies.But, with regard to all the cruelties that made Herod, the world historian, believes that it is only a myth in the Christian tradition. Herod Agrippa I run all the missions of The Secret Power is assisted by two loyal followers, Heram Abioud as Vice President of movement and Moab Leumi as the holder of the main secret of this movement. But some members of the Freemasons juaga trust as far as possible and draw them into the past history, even down to the days of Pharaoh. It also became one explanation for why they often use the symbols and traditions of Ancient Egypt in their ritual activities, such as the use of the god Horus, the Pyramid, Sun and many other Egyptian symbols. This usage stems from the excavation of the Temple of Solomon by Templa and the discovery doctrine and teachings of Kabbalah ongoing exploration and taught them by word of mouth.These excavations are so serious they are doing so was to affect the perspective of the Templars and their plans on the life of the world.
Jewish lunge itself is not in doubt. I even found a lot of books on Jewish Scholastic bookstore. Every book there no one who defended the Jews. All the book tells how the Jewish influence in the world that has expanded significantly.
About the facts behind their doings, I found too many cases, so it is not easy to choose one to be loaded here. But you should know, Microsoft grasped the Jews, 65% of stocks in Wall Street gripped the Jews, the former American president, Bush Sr. And Bush Jr.. were Jews, and most of their members who sit on many important positions world government.
A. RothschildRothschild named organization is a secret organization that has claimed the Germans and agencies that play a role in the vital sectors of the world. I first encountered this term when finding out about the Holocaust and Hitler. There are conspiracy theorists who say that Hitler allegedly committed suicide in a bunker as long as it is taught in history, but he managed to escape to Argentina with a ship of war, and even hidden safely by the followers of Rothschild in Argentina.Some evidence suggests the photos (although most of his face covered with cloth) who allegedly is a photograph of Hitler when he died at the age of the 90s in Argentina.Now! We return to the explanation of the Rothschilds. These organizations claim that they have mastered the vital sectors for a period of time.
When I do a Google investigation, I found many sources that relate to the Jewish Rothschild, but I totally do not believe that the organization is owned by the Jewish Rothschild, Rothschild although the followers claimed that they were the original Jewish tribes, but they argue that history is too strong .
In fact they are Khazars. They come from a country called Khazaria, which lies between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now owned by Georgia.The reason why the descendants of the Khazars as Jews claim they are due in the year 740 AD, on the orders of their king (King Moon), the people of Khazaria must embrace the Jewish faith, but of course it did not change their genes from Mongolia Asia (Turkey) to be a Jew .
Some interesting facts about Rothschild is:Currently only 6 countries in the world's central banks are not affected Rothschild network. They are Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, and Libya.The European Central Bank was established in Frankfurt which is the hometown Rothschild.
2. Opus DeiThey are the Vatican's greatest strength is always to protect the Vatican from any hostile forces. I consider this group as arch-rivals of the Organization of Freemasons. Opus Dei can be interpreted literally as 'God's Work'.
By the year 1946, Opus Dei expanded its network to Italy, Portugal and the UK. In 1982, the group has consolidated his power was so successful that Pope John Paul II raised the group as a personal agent of the Vatican. Among the public rumor was spread about the influence of Opus Dei is not supposed to, which is used on behalf of the papacy. When Escriva (founder of Opus Dei in 1028) was named a saint in 2002, indirectly measures the Pope has confirmed these rumors.When Dan Brown gives his prejudices about 'a very devout Catholic followers', the eyes of the world just take it as a seasoning in the fiction of Dan Brown's novel.'Fact' that the introduction of novel Dan Brown will be very interesting reports about the 'brain-washing, violence and harmful practices are referred to them as' denial of the flesh', as well as attention to recent events that they see themselves build their headquarters on Lexington Avenue, New York. The headquarters is located far away from where the group is formed by simple people Escriva in Madrid in 1028, when he became a Catholic priest is simple. If you've ever watched the movie version of Da Vinci Code, you may remember an albino who looks ferocious and bloodthirsty look like. Now! Those who are followers of this organization Opus Dei. Opus Dei has now claimed more than 85,000 members.
Opus Dei practices that often lead to stout sealed from public speculation. One of their ritual practices that make people amazed is like 'Minute Hero' on waking.The members were asked to jump out of bed, knelt and kissed the floor saying "serviam" which translates as "I will serve". Next is a way of denying their flesh like sleeping on the floor, cold showers and no dessert at dinner.The way the other extreme bodily denial is to use instruments of torture myself like to use the whip to the back or slapped their buttocks once a week. Another popular tool they use is what is called cilice.Cilice is a spiked chain worn around the upper thigh for two hours each day, leaving small holes in the flesh.For those who've seen the movie Da Vinci Code, I feel I have started to think of the picture portrayed in the film.
One of the practice rescue 'the Vatican faces' does Opus Dei, among others, when in November 1975. At that time the United States has legalized abortion since the previous 3 years. The Vatican began preparing a plan to send some agents that affect Opus Dei to the White House (it should be noted that Opus Dei has members who sit in a vital sector in various countries around the world, such as Ruth Kelly, who sat in the British minister in the government) to do abortion lobby to reverse this trend and voiced Pro Life. The result, six days later an important document NSM 200 (National Security National Security Memorandum or Memorandum) which have been accepted President Ford that contains the results of research that takes a huge budget to the consequences of overpopulation finally buried.See how easy it is to control the world from behind the Vatican walls with the help of Opus Dei.
3. Freemasons
Freemasonry is the international Jewish organizations, as well as a large movement of the most secret and influential Palling around the world.Freemasonry consists of two words are united. Free means free or independent, while Mason is the interpreter built or builder.The final goal of Freemasonry is to rebuild their imaginary ideals, which established the Temple of Solomon, or Solomon Temple.About the Temple of Solomon itself that defines many different sources. One of the most popular interpretation is that the Temple of Solomon was in the land that is now upon Il-Aqsa Mosque stands.They believe, in 1012 BCE (BC), Solomon built the Temple on Mount Anderson in the Palestinian territories. But in 586 BC, king of Babylon Nebukhadnezar Temple of Solomon was destroyed. The year 533 BC, the building was set back by a fellow named Zulbabil who has been freed from Babylonian captivity. That's his freedom, he rebuilt the Temple of Solomon.
Now! Many sources explained that the history of the Freemason movement is deeply rooted and can be traced to the Order of the Knights of Templar Crusades while in Jerusalem, Palestine. When Pope Urban II in 1095, after the Council of Clermont called Holy War or Crusade and mobilize the Christians across Europe to engage in war took Jerusalem back from the Turks.
Now! After they had conquered the land of Palestine, the Crusaders made up of many elements begin to establish their respective group. They are members of certain orders. The members of this order come from all over European soil, which is accommodated in certain monasteries and practiced military means in the abbey. And one of the very order of sticking his name is the Order of Knights of Templar.
Knight of Templar is also referred to as the poor soldiers follower of Jesus Christ and the Temple of Solomon. Called poor as reflected in the logo they use, such as the two soldiers who rode a donkey. To show that they are poor, to the extent that a donkey should ride two soldiers Knight of Templar. Even recorded, they were forced to eat three times in a week. While they use the name of Solomon's Temple as they make their headquarters are believed to be the site of Solomon's Temple or the collapse of the Solomon Temple. But really, the election headquarters in the hills is not a mere coincidence that the geographical nature, as the founders of the Order of Knight Templar Cirta precisely the ideals themselves have to restore the glory and the founding of Solomon's Temple as a holy place where the Jews or Masons. Can be traced throughout, the founder of this Order are the two French knights, Hugh de Pavens and the God Frey de St Omer. Speculation among historians say, that no blood-Jewish blood flowing in the body and the ideals of the founders of the Order of Templars Knigh. Christian senior officers, the convertion process that they actually do is a way to save themselves, and indeed they still cling to the doctrines of the Jews, especially the Kabbalah.
Although they call themselves as poor soldiers, they are not precisely the poor-very poor. Or at least, the poor that they only felt in the early days of the Knight Templars. In the short time they can become very wealthy by doing complete control of European pilgrims who come to Palestiana. One of them is to recruit young sons of the nobility of Europe which of course will equip their children with the supplies funds that seemed never dry amount. They are also known as a pioneer of the first banking system in the Middle Ages.
At that time many of the Europeans who want to move or at least made a pilgrimage to Palestine. And of course the long journey from Europe require no small amount of stock. Some are carrying all their possessions on the way, but because the soldiers of the Cross along the journey of life in a very unpleasant and they were very tempted by wealth, robberies are not rare even among the Christians killed each other along the journey to Palestine. Then found a way, the pilgrims did not have to carry their possessions on the way. They just need to leave him with a representative of the Templars in Europe, record and calculate its value, and they went to Palestine armed with a record of property values that will be exchanged for the same money in Palestine. This movement is largely dominated by the Order of the Knights of Templar that make them very wealthy due to benefit from the system of interest that they develop. And this is the embryo or embryo banking as we know it.
Knight of Templar headquarters in France to house the collection of the greatest treasures in Europe. Gradually they became bankers to the Pope and the King.How not to get rich quick, every tahunyya King Henry II of England donated the money to cover living expenses 15 000 troops Knight of Knight Templar and Hospitallers during their fight in the Crusades in the year 1170. To illustrate the magnitude of the banking institution that is run Templar, at the time this organization has 7,000 more employees just to deal with financial problems. They also have no less than 870 palaces, castles, and houses of the nobility that stretched from London to Jerusalem.
Now! Because of this Order is in power, they gradually began to reveal its original characteristics, ie, as followers of Mason. They developed the doctrine and teachings of the mystical, magical powers are also in their monasteries. They worship the devil and bring the spirits to communicate. What they practice is known as Kabbalah, an ancient Jewish mystical tradition that has evolved even since the days before the Pharaoh.
Knowing this, the French King Philip le Bel, in 1307 issued a call for the arrest and dissolved the order Knight of Templar accused of heresy. During its development, Pope Clement V joined to combat this by issuing the Masons returned a verdict inquisition. There were many arrests and interrogations, and some leaders of the Order of Knights of Templar who holds a Grand Master (the mention of this was used as the highest level in the Freemasonry movement until now) to the victim.
In 1307, King Philip IV ordered the arrest of Jacques de Molay. And after going through torture for torture, de Molay admitted all heretics ritual performed by the Order. In 1312, the Order of Knights of Templar banned and disbanded. And on the orders of the Church and King, two years later, in the year 1314, the Templar leaders put to death, including Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the most important one of the Knights Templar. Jacques de Molay himself convicted as a heretic (heretic) or disbelieved and punished by being burned alive in front of King Philip IV. And before blowing his breath, de Molay the words that King Philip and Pope Clement must follow, die within a year. And historical records, King Philip IV died seven months later, Pope Clement followed a month after King Philip.
Once that happens the massive destruction, the Jews again, and this time the case began with the Knights of Templar or the Masons. Culling is not only happening in Palestine, but also occurs in Europe. They hunted for the captured and killed. Until finally they managed to escape and get protection from the King of Scotland, Robert the Bruce who was sworn in and occupied the throne of the King in 1306. And in this new land they are getting organized again. And Scotland to be one that determines the development of Freemasonry.
The older version of the history of Freemasonry is a story that mentions the establishment of Freemasonry in the days of King of Israel, Herod Agrippa I, who died in 44 AD. Freemasons at the time was formed to stem the religion given by Prophet Isa. It is said that time was called The Secret of Hidden Power or kekutan. Its main purpose is hostile to the followers of Prophet Jesus, they kidnap, kill, prohibit the spread of new religions, including middle-killing Christian babies.But, with regard to all the cruelties that made Herod, the world historian, believes that it is only a myth in the Christian tradition. Herod Agrippa I run all the missions of The Secret Power is assisted by two loyal followers, Heram Abioud as Vice President of movement and Moab Leumi as the holder of the main secret of this movement. But some members of the Freemasons juaga trust as far as possible and draw them into the past history, even down to the days of Pharaoh. It also became one explanation for why they often use the symbols and traditions of Ancient Egypt in their ritual activities, such as the use of the god Horus, the Pyramid, Sun and many other Egyptian symbols. This usage stems from the excavation of the Temple of Solomon by Templa and the discovery doctrine and teachings of Kabbalah ongoing exploration and taught them by word of mouth.These excavations are so serious they are doing so was to affect the perspective of the Templars and their plans on the life of the world.
Jewish lunge itself is not in doubt. I even found a lot of books on Jewish Scholastic bookstore. Every book there no one who defended the Jews. All the book tells how the Jewish influence in the world that has expanded significantly.
About the facts behind their doings, I found too many cases, so it is not easy to choose one to be loaded here. But you should know, Microsoft grasped the Jews, 65% of stocks in Wall Street gripped the Jews, the former American president, Bush Sr. And Bush Jr.. were Jews, and most of their members who sit on many important positions world government.
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