Selama ini kita mengenal sumur Zamzam dari buku-buku agama. Namun sebenarnya ada sisi ilmiah saintifiknya juga looh. Cabang ilmu geologi yang mempelajari tentang air adalah hydrogeologi.

Sumur Zamzam
Khasiat air Zam-zam tentunya bukan disini yang mesti menjelaskan, tapi kalau dongengan geologi sumur Zam-zam mungkin bisa dijelaskan disini. Sedikit cerita Pra-Islam, atau sebelum kelahiran Nabi Muhammad, diawali dengan kisah Isteri dari Nabi Ibrahim, Siti Hajar, yang mencari air untuk anaknya yang cerita. Sumur ini kemudian tidak banyak atau bahkan tidak ada ceritanya, sehingga sumur ini dikabarkan hilang.
Sumur Zam-zam yang sekarang ini kita lihat adalah sumur yang digali oleh Abdul Muthalib kakeknya Nabi Muhammad. Sehingga saat ini, dari “ilmu persumuran” maka sumur Zam-zam termasuk kategori sumur gali (Dug Water Well).
Dimensi dan Profil Sumur Zam-zam
Bentuk sumur Zam-zam dapat dilihat dibawah ini.
Sumur Zam-zam yang sekarang ini kita lihat adalah sumur yang digali oleh Abdul Muthalib kakeknya Nabi Muhammad. Sehingga saat ini, dari “ilmu persumuran” maka sumur Zam-zam termasuk kategori sumur gali (Dug Water Well).
Dimensi dan Profil Sumur Zam-zam
Bentuk sumur Zam-zam dapat dilihat dibawah ini.

Bentuk sumur Zam-zam
Sumur ini memiliki kedalaman sekitar 30.5 meter. Hingga kedalaman 13.5 meter teratas menembus lapisan alluvium Wadi Ibrahim. Lapisan ini merupakan lapisan pasir yang sangat berpori. Lapisan ini berisi batupasir hasil transportasi dari lain tempat. Mungkin saja dahulu ada lembah yang dialiri sungai yang saat ini sudah kering. Atau dapat pula merupakan dataran rendah hasil runtuhan atau penumpukan hasil pelapukan batuan yang lebih tinggi topografinya.
Mata air zamzam
Dibawah lapisan alluvial Wadi Ibrahim ini terdapat setengah meter (0.5 m) lapisan yang sangat lulus air (permeable). Lapisan yang sangat lulus air inilah yang merupakan tempat utama keluarnya air-air di sumur Zam-zam.
Mata air zamzam
Dibawah lapisan alluvial Wadi Ibrahim ini terdapat setengah meter (0.5 m) lapisan yang sangat lulus air (permeable). Lapisan yang sangat lulus air inilah yang merupakan tempat utama keluarnya air-air di sumur Zam-zam.

Mata air zamzam
Kedalaman 17 meter kebawah selanjutnya, sumur ini menembus lapisan batuan keras yang berupa batuan beku Diorit. Batuan beku jenis ini (Diorit) memang agak jarang dijumpai di Indonesia atau di Jawa, tetapi sangat banyak dijumpai di Jazirah Arab. Pada bagian atas batuan ini dijumpai rekahan-rekahan yang juga memiliki kandungan air. Dulu ada yang menduga retakan ini menuju laut Merah. Tetapi tidak ada (barangkali saja saya belum menemukan) laporan geologi yang menunjukkan hal itu.
Dari uji pemompaan sumur ini mampu mengalirkan air sebesar 11 – 18.5 liter/detik, hingga permenit dapat mencapai 660 liter/menit atau 40 000 liter per jam. Celah-celah atau rekahan ini salah satu yang mengeluarkan air cukup banyak. Ada celah (rekahan) yang memanjang kearah hajar Aswad dengan panjang 75 cm denga ketinggian 30 cm, juga beberapa celah kecil kearah Shaffa dan Marwa.
Keterangan geometris lainnya, celah sumur dibawah tempat Thawaf 1.56 m, kedalaman total dari bibir sumur 30 m, kedalaman air dari bibir sumur = 4 m, kedalaman mata air 13 m, Dari mata air sampai dasar sumur 17 m, dan diameter sumur berkisar antara 1.46 hingga 2.66 meter.
Air hujan sebagai sumber berkah
Dari uji pemompaan sumur ini mampu mengalirkan air sebesar 11 – 18.5 liter/detik, hingga permenit dapat mencapai 660 liter/menit atau 40 000 liter per jam. Celah-celah atau rekahan ini salah satu yang mengeluarkan air cukup banyak. Ada celah (rekahan) yang memanjang kearah hajar Aswad dengan panjang 75 cm denga ketinggian 30 cm, juga beberapa celah kecil kearah Shaffa dan Marwa.
Keterangan geometris lainnya, celah sumur dibawah tempat Thawaf 1.56 m, kedalaman total dari bibir sumur 30 m, kedalaman air dari bibir sumur = 4 m, kedalaman mata air 13 m, Dari mata air sampai dasar sumur 17 m, dan diameter sumur berkisar antara 1.46 hingga 2.66 meter.
Air hujan sebagai sumber berkah

Air hujan sebagai sumber berkah
Kota Makkah terletak di lembah, menurut SGS (Saudi Geological Survey) luas cekungan yang mensuplai sebagai daerah tangkapan ini seluas 60 Km2 saja, tentunya tidak terlampau luas sebagai sebuah cekungan penadah hujan. Sumber air Sumur Zam-zam terutama dari air hujan yang turun di daerah sekitar Makkah.
Sumur ini secara hydrologi hanyalah sumur biasa sehingga sangat memerlukan perawatan. Perawatan sumur ini termasuk menjaga kualitas higienis air dan lingkungan sumur serta menjaga pasokan air supaya mampu memenuhi kebutuhan para jamaah **** di Makkah. Pembukaan lahan untuk pemukiman di seputar Makkah sangat ditata rapi untuk menghindari berkurangnya kapasitas sumur ini.
Sumur ini secara hydrologi hanyalah sumur biasa sehingga sangat memerlukan perawatan. Perawatan sumur ini termasuk menjaga kualitas higienis air dan lingkungan sumur serta menjaga pasokan air supaya mampu memenuhi kebutuhan para jamaah **** di Makkah. Pembukaan lahan untuk pemukiman di seputar Makkah sangat ditata rapi untuk menghindari berkurangnya kapasitas sumur ini.

lokasi sumur Zamzam
Gambar diatas ini memperlihatkan lokasi sumur Zamzam yang terletak ditengah lembah yang memanjang. Masjidil haram berada di bagian tengah diantara perbukitan-perbukitan disekitarnya. Luas area tangkapan yang hanya 60 Km persegi ini tentunya cukup kecil untuk menangkap air hujan yang sangat langka terjadi di Makkah, sehingga memerlukan pengawasan dan pemeliharaan yang sangat khusus.
Sumur Zamzam ini, sekali lagi dalam pandangan (ilmiah) hidrogeologi , hanyalah seperti sumur gali biasa. Tidak terlalu istimewa dibanding sumur-sumur gali lainnya. Namun karena sumur ini bermakna religi, maka perlu dijaga. Banyak yang menaruh harapan pada air sumur ini karena sumur ini dipercaya membawa berkah. Ada yang menyatakan sumur ini juga bisa kering kalau tidak dijaga. Bahkan kalau kita tahu kisahnya sumur ini diketemukan kembali oleh Abdul Muthalib (kakeknya Nabi Muhammad SAW) setelah hilang terkubur 4000 tahun (?).
Dahulu diatas sumur ini terdapat sebuah bangunan dengan luas 8.3 m x 10.7 m = 88.8 m2. Antara tahun 1381-1388 H bangunan ini ditiadakan untuk memperluas tempat thawaf. Sehingga tempat untuk meminum air zamzam dipindahkan ke ruang bawah tanah. Dibawah tanah ini disediakan tempat minum air zam-zam dengan sejumlah 350 kran air (220 kran untuk laki-laki dan 130 kran untuk perempuan), ruang masuk laki perempuan-pun dipisahkan.
Sumur Zamzam ini, sekali lagi dalam pandangan (ilmiah) hidrogeologi , hanyalah seperti sumur gali biasa. Tidak terlalu istimewa dibanding sumur-sumur gali lainnya. Namun karena sumur ini bermakna religi, maka perlu dijaga. Banyak yang menaruh harapan pada air sumur ini karena sumur ini dipercaya membawa berkah. Ada yang menyatakan sumur ini juga bisa kering kalau tidak dijaga. Bahkan kalau kita tahu kisahnya sumur ini diketemukan kembali oleh Abdul Muthalib (kakeknya Nabi Muhammad SAW) setelah hilang terkubur 4000 tahun (?).
Dahulu diatas sumur ini terdapat sebuah bangunan dengan luas 8.3 m x 10.7 m = 88.8 m2. Antara tahun 1381-1388 H bangunan ini ditiadakan untuk memperluas tempat thawaf. Sehingga tempat untuk meminum air zamzam dipindahkan ke ruang bawah tanah. Dibawah tanah ini disediakan tempat minum air zam-zam dengan sejumlah 350 kran air (220 kran untuk laki-laki dan 130 kran untuk perempuan), ruang masuk laki perempuan-pun dipisahkan.
Saat ini bangunan diatas sumur Zam-Zam yang terlihat gambar diatas itu sudah tidak ada lagi, bahkan tempat masuk ke ruang bawah tanah inipun sudah ditutup. Sehingga ruang untuk melakukan ibadah Thawaf menjadi lebih luas. Tetapi kalau anda jeli pas Thawaf masih dapat kita lihat ada tanda dimana sumur itu berada. Sumur itu terletak kira-kira 20 meter sebelah timur dari Ka’bah.
Monitoring dan pemeliharaan sumur Zamzam
Jumlah jamaah ke Makkah tiga puluh tahun lalu hanya 400 000 pertahun (ditahun 1970-an), terus meningkat menjadi lebih dari sejuta jamaah pertahun di tahun 1990-an, Dan saat ini sudah lebih dari 2.2 juta. Tentunya diperlukan pemeliharaan sumur ini yang merupakan salah satu keajaiban dan daya tarik tersendiri bagi jamaah haji.
Pemerintah Saudi tentunya tidak dapat diam pasrah saja membiarkan sumur ini dipelihara oleh Allah melalui proses alamiah. Namun pemerintah Arab Saudi yang sudah moderen saat ini secara ilmiah dan saintifik membentuk sebuah badan khusus yang mengurusi sumur Zamzam ini. Sepertinya memang Arab Saudi juga bukan sekedar percaya saja dengan menyerahkan ke Allah sebagai penjaga, namun justru sangat meyakini manusialah yang harus memelihara berkah sumur ini.
Monitoring dan pemeliharaan sumur Zamzam
Jumlah jamaah ke Makkah tiga puluh tahun lalu hanya 400 000 pertahun (ditahun 1970-an), terus meningkat menjadi lebih dari sejuta jamaah pertahun di tahun 1990-an, Dan saat ini sudah lebih dari 2.2 juta. Tentunya diperlukan pemeliharaan sumur ini yang merupakan salah satu keajaiban dan daya tarik tersendiri bagi jamaah haji.
Pemerintah Saudi tentunya tidak dapat diam pasrah saja membiarkan sumur ini dipelihara oleh Allah melalui proses alamiah. Namun pemerintah Arab Saudi yang sudah moderen saat ini secara ilmiah dan saintifik membentuk sebuah badan khusus yang mengurusi sumur Zamzam ini. Sepertinya memang Arab Saudi juga bukan sekedar percaya saja dengan menyerahkan ke Allah sebagai penjaga, namun justru sangat meyakini manusialah yang harus memelihara berkah sumur ini.

Sistem Pompa
Pada tahun 1971 dilakukan penelitian (riset) hidrologi oleh seorang ahli hidrologi dari Pakistan bernama Tariq Hussain and Moin Uddin Ahmed. Hal ini dipicu oleh pernyataan seorang doktor di Mesir yang menyatakan air Zamzam tercemar air limbah dan berbahaya untuk dikonsumsi. Tariq Hussain (termasuk saya dari sisi hidrogeologi) juga meragukan spekulasi adanya rekahan panjang yang menghubungkan laut merah dengan Sumur Zam-zam, karena Makkah terletak 75 Kilometer dari pinggir pantai. Menyangkut dugaan doktor mesir ini, tentusaja hasilnya menyangkal pernyataan seorang doktor dari Mesir tersebut, tetapi ada hal yang lebih penting menurut saya yaitu penelitian Tariq Hussain ini justru akhirnya memacu pemerintah Arab Saudi untuk memperhatikan Sumur Zamzam secara moderen. Saat ini banyak sekali gedung-gedung baru yang dibangun disekitar Masjidil Haram, juga banyak sekali terowongan dibangun disekitar Makkah, sehingga saat ini pembangunannya harus benar-benar dikontrol ketat karena akan mempengaruhi kondisi hidrogeologi setempat.
Badan Riset sumur Zamzam yang berada dibawah SGS
(Saudi Geological Survey) bertugas untuk:
Badan Riset sumur Zamzam yang berada dibawah SGS
(Saudi Geological Survey) bertugas untuk:
- Memonitor dan memelihara untuk menjaga jangan sampai sumur ini kering.
- Menjaga urban disekitar Wadi Ibrahim karena mempengaruhi pengisian air.
- Mengatur aliran air dari daerah tangkapan air (recharge area).
- Memelihara pergerakan air tanah dan juga menjaga kualitas melalui bangunan kontrol
- Meng-upgrade pompa dan dan tangki-tangki penadah.
- Mengoptimasi supplai dan distribusi airZam-zam
Perkembangan perawatan sumur Zamzam.
Dahulu kala, zamzam diambil dengan gayung atau timba, namun kemudian dibangunlah pompa air pada tahun 1373 H/1953 M. Pompa ini menyalurkan air dari sumur ke bak penampungan air, dan diantaranya juga ke kran-kran yang ada di sekitar sumur zamzam.
Uji pompa (pumping test) telah dilakukan pada sumur ini, pada pemompaan 8000 liters/detik selama lebih dari 24 jam memperlihatkan permukaan air sumur dari 3.23 meters dibawah permukaan menjadi 12.72 meters dan kemudian hingga 13.39 meters. Setelah itu pemompaan dihentikan permukaan air ini kembali ke 3.9 meters dibawah permukaan sumur hanya dalam waktu 11 minut setelah pompa dihentikan. Sehingga dipercaya dengan mudah bahwa akifer yang mensuplai air ini berasal dari beberapa celah (rekahan) pada perbukitan disekitar Makkah.
Banyak hal yang sudah dikerjakan pemerintah Saudi untuk memelihara Sumur ini antara lain dengan membentuk badan khusus pada tahun 1415 H (1994). dan saat ini telah membangun saluran untuk menyalurkan air Zam-zam ke tangki penampungan yang berkapasitas 15.000 m3, bersambung dengan tangki lain di bagian atas Masjidil Haram guna melayani para pejalan kaki dan musafir. Selain itu air Zam-zam juga diangkut ke tempat-tempat lain menggunakan truk tangki diantaranya ke Masjidil Nabawi di Madinah Al-Munawarrah.
Saat ini sumur ini dilengkapi juga dengan pompa listrik yang tertanam dibawah (electric submersible pump). Kita hanya dapat melihat foto-fotonya saja seperti diatas. Disebelah kanan ini adalah drum hidrograf, alat perekaman perekaman ketinggian muka air sumur Zamzam (Old style drum hydrograph used for recording levels in the Zamzam Well).
Kandungan mineral
Tidak seperti air mineral yang umum dijumpai, air Zamzam in memang unik mengandung elemen-elemen alamiah sebesar 2000 mg perliter. Biasanya air mineral alamiah (hard carbonated water) tidak akan lebih dari 260 mg per liter. Elemen-elemen kimiawi yang terkandng dalam air Zamzam dapat dikelompokkan menjadi
Yang pertama, positive ions seperti misal sodium (250 mg per litre), calcium (200 mg per litre), potassium (20 mg per litre), dan magnesium (50 mg per litre).
Kedua, negative ions misalnya sulphur (372 mg per litre), bicarbonates (366 mg per litre), nitrat (273 mg per litre), phosphat (0.25 mg per litre) and ammonia (6 mg per litre).
Molekul air zam zam
Kandungan-kandungan elemen-elemen kimiawi inilah yang menjadikan rasa dari air Zamzam sangat khas dan dipercaya dapat memberikan khasiat khusus. Air yang sudah siap saji yang bertebaran disekitar Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi di Madinah merupakan air yang sudah diproses sehingga sangat aman dan segar diminum, ada yang sudah didinginkan dan ada yang sejuk (hangat). Namun konon prosesnya higienisasi ini tidak menggunakan proses kimiawi untuk menghindari perubahan rasa dan kandungan air ini.
Dahulu kala, zamzam diambil dengan gayung atau timba, namun kemudian dibangunlah pompa air pada tahun 1373 H/1953 M. Pompa ini menyalurkan air dari sumur ke bak penampungan air, dan diantaranya juga ke kran-kran yang ada di sekitar sumur zamzam.
Uji pompa (pumping test) telah dilakukan pada sumur ini, pada pemompaan 8000 liters/detik selama lebih dari 24 jam memperlihatkan permukaan air sumur dari 3.23 meters dibawah permukaan menjadi 12.72 meters dan kemudian hingga 13.39 meters. Setelah itu pemompaan dihentikan permukaan air ini kembali ke 3.9 meters dibawah permukaan sumur hanya dalam waktu 11 minut setelah pompa dihentikan. Sehingga dipercaya dengan mudah bahwa akifer yang mensuplai air ini berasal dari beberapa celah (rekahan) pada perbukitan disekitar Makkah.
Banyak hal yang sudah dikerjakan pemerintah Saudi untuk memelihara Sumur ini antara lain dengan membentuk badan khusus pada tahun 1415 H (1994). dan saat ini telah membangun saluran untuk menyalurkan air Zam-zam ke tangki penampungan yang berkapasitas 15.000 m3, bersambung dengan tangki lain di bagian atas Masjidil Haram guna melayani para pejalan kaki dan musafir. Selain itu air Zam-zam juga diangkut ke tempat-tempat lain menggunakan truk tangki diantaranya ke Masjidil Nabawi di Madinah Al-Munawarrah.
Saat ini sumur ini dilengkapi juga dengan pompa listrik yang tertanam dibawah (electric submersible pump). Kita hanya dapat melihat foto-fotonya saja seperti diatas. Disebelah kanan ini adalah drum hidrograf, alat perekaman perekaman ketinggian muka air sumur Zamzam (Old style drum hydrograph used for recording levels in the Zamzam Well).
Kandungan mineral
Tidak seperti air mineral yang umum dijumpai, air Zamzam in memang unik mengandung elemen-elemen alamiah sebesar 2000 mg perliter. Biasanya air mineral alamiah (hard carbonated water) tidak akan lebih dari 260 mg per liter. Elemen-elemen kimiawi yang terkandng dalam air Zamzam dapat dikelompokkan menjadi
Yang pertama, positive ions seperti misal sodium (250 mg per litre), calcium (200 mg per litre), potassium (20 mg per litre), dan magnesium (50 mg per litre).
Kedua, negative ions misalnya sulphur (372 mg per litre), bicarbonates (366 mg per litre), nitrat (273 mg per litre), phosphat (0.25 mg per litre) and ammonia (6 mg per litre).
Molekul air zam zam
Kandungan-kandungan elemen-elemen kimiawi inilah yang menjadikan rasa dari air Zamzam sangat khas dan dipercaya dapat memberikan khasiat khusus. Air yang sudah siap saji yang bertebaran disekitar Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi di Madinah merupakan air yang sudah diproses sehingga sangat aman dan segar diminum, ada yang sudah didinginkan dan ada yang sejuk (hangat). Namun konon prosesnya higienisasi ini tidak menggunakan proses kimiawi untuk menghindari perubahan rasa dan kandungan air ini.
So far, we know well of Zamzam from religious books. However there are actually scientific side as well saintifiknya looh. Branch of geology that studies of the water is hydrogeologi.
Well of Zamzam Zam-zam water properties are certainly not here that should be explained, but if the fables of the well of Zam-zam geology may be explained here. A little story of Pre-Islamic, or before the birth of Prophet Muhammad, beginning with the story of Prophet Ibrahim's wife, Siti Hajar, who are looking for water for her story. The well is then not much or no story, so well is reported missing.
Well of Zam-zam which we now see is the wells dug by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet Muhammad. So now, of "science persumuran" the well of Zam-zam category dug wells (Dug Well Water).
Dimensions and the Well of Zam-zam Profile Zam-zam well shape can be seen below.
Form of the well of Zam-zam These wells have a depth of about 30.5 meters. To a depth of 13.5 meters through the top layer of the Wadi Ibrahim alluvium. This layer is a layer of sand is very porous. This layer contains sandstone transport results from elsewhere.Maybe there just before the river flows through a valley that is now dry. Or can be a low-lying debris or buildup of the result of weathering of rocks higher topography.
Zamzam spring Under Ibrahim Wadi alluvial layer, there are half a meter (0.5 m) layer of water which is passed (permeable). Layer of water that is passed is what is the main place of water-water discharge in the well of Zam-zam.
Zamzam spring Depth of 17 meters further down, the well penetrated a layer of hard rock in the form of igneous Diorite. This type of igneous rock (Diorite) is rather rare in Indonesia or in Java, but is often found in the Arabian Peninsula. At the top of the rock-fracture crack was found that also contain water. There used to be a suspected fracture is towards the Red Sea. But do not exist (perhaps I just have not found) geological report which shows it.
Of pumping test well is capable of flowing water for 11 - 18.5 liters / sec, can reach up to 660 liters per minute / minute or 40 000 liters per hour. Cracks or fissures that emit this one quite a lot of water. There is a slit (crack) which extends towards the Black Stone with a length of 75 cm height 30 cm premises, as well as some small gaps towards Shaffa and Marwa.
Geometric description of other, well below the gap where Thawaf 1:56 m, total depth of 30 m from the edge of the well, water from the edge of the well depth = 4 m, 13 m depth of the spring, from spring until the bottom of the well 17 m, and diameter wells ranged from 1:46 up to 2.66 meters.
Rainwater as a source of blessing
Rainwater as a source of blessing City of Makkah is located in the valley, according to SGS (Saudi Geological Survey) that supplies a broad basin catchment area is an area of 60 km2 only, of course, not too wide as a receiver basin rainfall. The well water sources Zam-zam water primarily from rain that fell in the area around Makkah.
The hydrology of this well is just plain well that are in need of care. Treatment includes keeping the well water quality and environmental hygiene as well as maintaining water supply wells in order to meet the needs of the pilgrims in Makkah ****. Land clearing for settlement in the surrounding Makkah is very cleanly laid out to avoid a reduction in the capacity of these wells.
location of the well of Zamzam The image above shows the location of the well of Zamzam is located in the middle of the valley that extends. Haram Mosque in the middle between the hills, the hills around it. Catchment area of only 60 sq km is certainly small enough to catch the rain water is very scarce in Makkah, and require monitoring and maintenance of highly specialized.
Well of Zamzam was, once again in view of (scientific) hydrogeology, just like ordinary dug wells. Not too special compared to other wells dug. However, because these wells religious meaning, it needs to be maintained. Many are excited about this water because the well is believed to bring fortune. Some claimed the well can also be dry if not kept. Even if we know the story of this well was rediscovered by Abdul Muttalib (grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad SAW) after missing buried 4000 years (?).
In the past, there are well over a building with an area of 8.3 mx 10.7 m = 88.8 m2.Between the years 1381-1388 H of this building to expand the place thawaf eliminated. So the place to drink Zamzam water is moved into the basement.Underground drinking water is provided where the number of zam-zam water tap 350 (220 male valves for faucets and 130 for women), female-male lobby was separated.
Monitoring and maintenance of the well of Zamzam Currently building above the well of Zam-Zam seen the picture above it is not there anymore, even the entry to the basement even this has been closed. So the space for worship Thawaf become more widespread. But if you're observant fitting Thawaf we can still see no sign of where the well is located. The well is located approximately 20 meters east of the Kaaba.
Monitoring and maintenance of the well of Zamzam The number of pilgrims to Makkah thirty years ago only 400 000 per year (in the year 1970-an), continued to increase to more than a million pilgrims per year in the 1990's, and currently has more than 2.2 million. Required maintenance of the well is certainly that is one of the wonders and the main attraction for pilgrims.
The Saudi government certainly can not just let the silent surrender of this well preserved by God through the natural process. But the government of modern Saudi Arabia that have been scientifically current and scientifically establish a special agency to deal with this well of Zamzam. Looks like Saudi Arabia is also not simply believe it to surrender to God as a guard, but it is man who believes strongly in these wells must maintain a blessing.
Pump Systems In 1971 conducted the study (research) hydrology by a hydrology expert from Pakistan named Tariq Hussain and Moin Uddin Ahmed. This was triggered by a statement of a doctor in Egypt stating Zamzam water and hazardous waste contaminated water for consumption. Tariq Hussain (including me of the hydrogeology) also cast doubt on speculation linking the presence of long cracks the red sea by the Well of Zam-zam, since Mecca is located 75 Kilometres from the beach. Egyptian doctors regarding this allegation, tentusaja results refute the claim that a doctor from Egypt, but there are things more important to me that this is precisely the study Tariq Hussain finally spurring the government of Saudi Arabia to pay attention to the Well of Zamzam is modern. Currently, many new buildings are built around the Grand Mosque, also lots of tunnels built around Makkah, so that the current construction is to be really tightly controlled as it will affect the local hydrogeological conditions.
Research Agency under the well of Zamzam SGS (Saudi Geological Survey) tasked to: Monitor and maintain to keep from the well is dry. Keeping the surrounding urban Wadi Ibrahim as it affects the water filling. Regulate the flow of water from the catchment area (recharge area). Maintaining groundwater movement and also maintain the quality through building controls Upgrade pumps and tanks and fences. Optimize the distribution of supplies and airZam-zam Development of the treatment well of Zamzam. Long ago, Zamzam was taken with a scoop or bucket, but then the water pump was built in 1373 H/1953 M. This pump delivers water from the wells to water reservoirs, and among them also to tap-tap that is around the well of Zamzam. Pumping test (pumping test) was performed on these wells, the pumping 8000 liters / sec for more than 24 hours showed the well water level from 3.23 meters to 12.72 meters below the surface and then until 13:39 meters. After it stopped pumping water level is back to 3.9 meters below the surface of the wells in 11 minut after the pump was stopped. So easy to believe that the aquifer that supplies water comes from several cracks (fissures) in the hills around Makkah.
Many things have been done the Saudi government to maintain these wells, among others, by establishing a special agency in 1415 H (1994). and now has built a channel to channel to the Zam-zam water storage tanks with a capacity of 15,000 m3, continued with another tank at the top of the Grand Mosque in order to serve the pedestrians and travelers. Other than that of Zam-zam water is also transported to other places to use them to tank truck Nabawi Mosque in Madina Al-Munawarrah. Currently the well is equipped with an electric pump is implanted under the (electric submersible pump). We can only see the pictures just as above. This is a drum on the right side hidrograf, recording equipment recording the well of Zamzam water level (hydrograph Old style drum used for recording levels in the Zamzam Well). Mineral content Unlike a common mineral water, the water of Zamzam is unique in containing the natural elements of 2000 mg per liter. Usually the natural mineral water (carbonated water hard) will not be more than 260 mg per liter. Chemical elements in Zamzam water terkandng can be grouped into The first, positive ions such as sodium (250 mg per liter), calcium (200 mg per liter), potassium (20 mg per liter) and magnesium (50 mg per liter). Second, negative ions such as sulfur (372 mg per liter), bicarbonates (366 mg per liter), nitrate (273 mg per liter), phosphate (0.25 mg per liter) and ammonia (6 mg per liter).
Zam zam water molecules The contents of chemical elements is what makes the taste of the water of Zamzam is believed to provide unique and special properties. Water is readily available that are scattered around the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah is the water that has been processed so it is safe to drink, fresh, chilled, and there are some cool (warm). But the process is said higienisasi not use chemical processes to avoid changes in taste and content of this water.
So far, we know well of Zamzam from religious books. However there are actually scientific side as well saintifiknya looh. Branch of geology that studies of the water is hydrogeologi.
Well of Zamzam Zam-zam water properties are certainly not here that should be explained, but if the fables of the well of Zam-zam geology may be explained here. A little story of Pre-Islamic, or before the birth of Prophet Muhammad, beginning with the story of Prophet Ibrahim's wife, Siti Hajar, who are looking for water for her story. The well is then not much or no story, so well is reported missing.
Well of Zam-zam which we now see is the wells dug by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet Muhammad. So now, of "science persumuran" the well of Zam-zam category dug wells (Dug Well Water).
Dimensions and the Well of Zam-zam Profile Zam-zam well shape can be seen below.
Form of the well of Zam-zam These wells have a depth of about 30.5 meters. To a depth of 13.5 meters through the top layer of the Wadi Ibrahim alluvium. This layer is a layer of sand is very porous. This layer contains sandstone transport results from elsewhere.Maybe there just before the river flows through a valley that is now dry. Or can be a low-lying debris or buildup of the result of weathering of rocks higher topography.
Zamzam spring Under Ibrahim Wadi alluvial layer, there are half a meter (0.5 m) layer of water which is passed (permeable). Layer of water that is passed is what is the main place of water-water discharge in the well of Zam-zam.
Zamzam spring Depth of 17 meters further down, the well penetrated a layer of hard rock in the form of igneous Diorite. This type of igneous rock (Diorite) is rather rare in Indonesia or in Java, but is often found in the Arabian Peninsula. At the top of the rock-fracture crack was found that also contain water. There used to be a suspected fracture is towards the Red Sea. But do not exist (perhaps I just have not found) geological report which shows it.
Of pumping test well is capable of flowing water for 11 - 18.5 liters / sec, can reach up to 660 liters per minute / minute or 40 000 liters per hour. Cracks or fissures that emit this one quite a lot of water. There is a slit (crack) which extends towards the Black Stone with a length of 75 cm height 30 cm premises, as well as some small gaps towards Shaffa and Marwa.
Geometric description of other, well below the gap where Thawaf 1:56 m, total depth of 30 m from the edge of the well, water from the edge of the well depth = 4 m, 13 m depth of the spring, from spring until the bottom of the well 17 m, and diameter wells ranged from 1:46 up to 2.66 meters.
Rainwater as a source of blessing
Rainwater as a source of blessing City of Makkah is located in the valley, according to SGS (Saudi Geological Survey) that supplies a broad basin catchment area is an area of 60 km2 only, of course, not too wide as a receiver basin rainfall. The well water sources Zam-zam water primarily from rain that fell in the area around Makkah.
The hydrology of this well is just plain well that are in need of care. Treatment includes keeping the well water quality and environmental hygiene as well as maintaining water supply wells in order to meet the needs of the pilgrims in Makkah ****. Land clearing for settlement in the surrounding Makkah is very cleanly laid out to avoid a reduction in the capacity of these wells.
location of the well of Zamzam The image above shows the location of the well of Zamzam is located in the middle of the valley that extends. Haram Mosque in the middle between the hills, the hills around it. Catchment area of only 60 sq km is certainly small enough to catch the rain water is very scarce in Makkah, and require monitoring and maintenance of highly specialized.
Well of Zamzam was, once again in view of (scientific) hydrogeology, just like ordinary dug wells. Not too special compared to other wells dug. However, because these wells religious meaning, it needs to be maintained. Many are excited about this water because the well is believed to bring fortune. Some claimed the well can also be dry if not kept. Even if we know the story of this well was rediscovered by Abdul Muttalib (grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad SAW) after missing buried 4000 years (?).
In the past, there are well over a building with an area of 8.3 mx 10.7 m = 88.8 m2.Between the years 1381-1388 H of this building to expand the place thawaf eliminated. So the place to drink Zamzam water is moved into the basement.Underground drinking water is provided where the number of zam-zam water tap 350 (220 male valves for faucets and 130 for women), female-male lobby was separated.
Monitoring and maintenance of the well of Zamzam Currently building above the well of Zam-Zam seen the picture above it is not there anymore, even the entry to the basement even this has been closed. So the space for worship Thawaf become more widespread. But if you're observant fitting Thawaf we can still see no sign of where the well is located. The well is located approximately 20 meters east of the Kaaba.
Monitoring and maintenance of the well of Zamzam The number of pilgrims to Makkah thirty years ago only 400 000 per year (in the year 1970-an), continued to increase to more than a million pilgrims per year in the 1990's, and currently has more than 2.2 million. Required maintenance of the well is certainly that is one of the wonders and the main attraction for pilgrims.
The Saudi government certainly can not just let the silent surrender of this well preserved by God through the natural process. But the government of modern Saudi Arabia that have been scientifically current and scientifically establish a special agency to deal with this well of Zamzam. Looks like Saudi Arabia is also not simply believe it to surrender to God as a guard, but it is man who believes strongly in these wells must maintain a blessing.
Pump Systems In 1971 conducted the study (research) hydrology by a hydrology expert from Pakistan named Tariq Hussain and Moin Uddin Ahmed. This was triggered by a statement of a doctor in Egypt stating Zamzam water and hazardous waste contaminated water for consumption. Tariq Hussain (including me of the hydrogeology) also cast doubt on speculation linking the presence of long cracks the red sea by the Well of Zam-zam, since Mecca is located 75 Kilometres from the beach. Egyptian doctors regarding this allegation, tentusaja results refute the claim that a doctor from Egypt, but there are things more important to me that this is precisely the study Tariq Hussain finally spurring the government of Saudi Arabia to pay attention to the Well of Zamzam is modern. Currently, many new buildings are built around the Grand Mosque, also lots of tunnels built around Makkah, so that the current construction is to be really tightly controlled as it will affect the local hydrogeological conditions.
Research Agency under the well of Zamzam SGS (Saudi Geological Survey) tasked to: Monitor and maintain to keep from the well is dry. Keeping the surrounding urban Wadi Ibrahim as it affects the water filling. Regulate the flow of water from the catchment area (recharge area). Maintaining groundwater movement and also maintain the quality through building controls Upgrade pumps and tanks and fences. Optimize the distribution of supplies and airZam-zam Development of the treatment well of Zamzam. Long ago, Zamzam was taken with a scoop or bucket, but then the water pump was built in 1373 H/1953 M. This pump delivers water from the wells to water reservoirs, and among them also to tap-tap that is around the well of Zamzam. Pumping test (pumping test) was performed on these wells, the pumping 8000 liters / sec for more than 24 hours showed the well water level from 3.23 meters to 12.72 meters below the surface and then until 13:39 meters. After it stopped pumping water level is back to 3.9 meters below the surface of the wells in 11 minut after the pump was stopped. So easy to believe that the aquifer that supplies water comes from several cracks (fissures) in the hills around Makkah.
Many things have been done the Saudi government to maintain these wells, among others, by establishing a special agency in 1415 H (1994). and now has built a channel to channel to the Zam-zam water storage tanks with a capacity of 15,000 m3, continued with another tank at the top of the Grand Mosque in order to serve the pedestrians and travelers. Other than that of Zam-zam water is also transported to other places to use them to tank truck Nabawi Mosque in Madina Al-Munawarrah. Currently the well is equipped with an electric pump is implanted under the (electric submersible pump). We can only see the pictures just as above. This is a drum on the right side hidrograf, recording equipment recording the well of Zamzam water level (hydrograph Old style drum used for recording levels in the Zamzam Well). Mineral content Unlike a common mineral water, the water of Zamzam is unique in containing the natural elements of 2000 mg per liter. Usually the natural mineral water (carbonated water hard) will not be more than 260 mg per liter. Chemical elements in Zamzam water terkandng can be grouped into The first, positive ions such as sodium (250 mg per liter), calcium (200 mg per liter), potassium (20 mg per liter) and magnesium (50 mg per liter). Second, negative ions such as sulfur (372 mg per liter), bicarbonates (366 mg per liter), nitrate (273 mg per liter), phosphate (0.25 mg per liter) and ammonia (6 mg per liter).
Zam zam water molecules The contents of chemical elements is what makes the taste of the water of Zamzam is believed to provide unique and special properties. Water is readily available that are scattered around the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah is the water that has been processed so it is safe to drink, fresh, chilled, and there are some cool (warm). But the process is said higienisasi not use chemical processes to avoid changes in taste and content of this water.
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