Kerusakan DVD-RW Laptop dan Cara Memperbaiki. Komponen-komponen
yang terdapat pada laptop sangatlah bermacam-macam, oleh karena itu kita
sebagai pemilik laptop hendaklah merawat dan berhati-hati dalam penggunaan
Fitur-fitur pada Laptop, terutama pada DVD-ROOM yang sering banget terjadi
kerusakan, meski kerusakan yang dapat diperbaiki, ataupun yang tidak mungkin
lagi untuk diperbaiki.
Adapun Gejala-gejala yang ditimbulkan oleh DVD-ROOM jika terjadi kerusakan diantaranya sebagai berikut :
1. Tidak terdeteksi pada Operating System
2. Tidak bisa Open / membuka
3. Tidak bisa membaca/menulis/hanya bisa membaca saja. (CD)
Adapun cara memperbaikinya dimungkinkan sebagai berikut :
1. Sebelumnya Bongkar dulu Laptop anda dan lepas 'mur' pengait kemudian periksa penancapan tegangan yang masuk ke DVD-ROOM, perikas di setup bios apakah sudah dideteksi? sebaiknya diset auto. Periksa apakah led menyala, jika tidak kerusakan di Controllernya.
2. Kerusakan ada pada mekanik motor atau karet motor.
3. Kerusakan Biasanya pada optik, tetapi ada kemungkinan masih bisa diperbaiki dengan cara men-set ualng optik tersebut, namun terkadang masalah optik DVD sangatlah jarang untuk diperbaiki.
4. Head Kotor, bisa dibersihkan menggunakan CottonBut
Terkadang kita sering lupa menaruh keping CD/DVD yang telah digunakan itu tidaklah menyebabkan DVD-ROOM menjadi rusak namun hal tersebut sangatlah merugikan karena dapat menyedot energi yang disediakan oleh batterai, sehingga dapat mengurangi awetnya batterai, selain itu jika settingan bios masih dalam kondisi 'first-boot'nya DVD-ROOM, maka akses untuk bootingnya akan semakin lama karena akan mengindentifikasi keping CD/DVD tersebut bootable atau tidak.
Cause Damage
DVD-RW Laptop
and How to Fix
Cause Damage DVD-RW Laptop and How to Fix. The components contained in the laptop is very diverse, therefore we as the owner of the laptop and let care be careful in the use of the laptop features, especially the DVD-ROOM are often really any damage, although damage can be repaired, or is no longer possible to be repaired.
The symptoms caused by the DVD-ROOM in the event of damage including the following:1. Not detected in the Operating System
2. Can not open / open
3. Can not read / write / can only read it. (CD)
As for how to fix it may be possible as follows:
A. Previous Disassemble your laptop first and loose 'nut' hook and then check the voltage coming into penancapan DVD-ROOM, check it in the bios setup if it is detected? should be set to auto. Check if the LED is lit, if not damage the controller.
2. Mechanical damage on the rubber motor or motors.
3. Usually the optical damage, but there may still be improved by means of optical ualng set, but sometimes the problem is extremely rare for a DVD optical repaired.
4. Gross Head, can be cleaned using CottonBut
Sometimes we often forget to put a CD / DVD that has been used it does not cause DVD-ROOM become damaged but it is very harmful because it can suck the energy provided by batteries, so as to reduce awetnya batteries, other than that if the bios settings are still in a state of 'first DVD-ROOM-boot'nya, then access to bootingnya because the longer it will be to identify the CD / DVD is bootable or not.
Cause Damage DVD-RW Laptop and How to Fix. The components contained in the laptop is very diverse, therefore we as the owner of the laptop and let care be careful in the use of the laptop features, especially the DVD-ROOM are often really any damage, although damage can be repaired, or is no longer possible to be repaired.
The symptoms caused by the DVD-ROOM in the event of damage including the following:1. Not detected in the Operating System
2. Can not open / open
3. Can not read / write / can only read it. (CD)
As for how to fix it may be possible as follows:
A. Previous Disassemble your laptop first and loose 'nut' hook and then check the voltage coming into penancapan DVD-ROOM, check it in the bios setup if it is detected? should be set to auto. Check if the LED is lit, if not damage the controller.
2. Mechanical damage on the rubber motor or motors.
3. Usually the optical damage, but there may still be improved by means of optical ualng set, but sometimes the problem is extremely rare for a DVD optical repaired.
4. Gross Head, can be cleaned using CottonBut
Sometimes we often forget to put a CD / DVD that has been used it does not cause DVD-ROOM become damaged but it is very harmful because it can suck the energy provided by batteries, so as to reduce awetnya batteries, other than that if the bios settings are still in a state of 'first DVD-ROOM-boot'nya, then access to bootingnya because the longer it will be to identify the CD / DVD is bootable or not.
8 komentar:
thx banget brader
Titip iklan gan..
bagi anda diwilayah surabaya
ingin mengganti Dvd Rw laptop anda yg rusak
bisa sms 085257384915.
dengan harga sekitar 350 rb. (Dvd rw baru klo bekas bisa lebih murah)
gan mau tanya nih.
ini masalah ane gimana y?
masa laptop ane pas dimasukin cd buat install ulang windows, kebacanya malah cd kosong & giliran pake cd/dvd eksternal. itu kebaca normal buat install ulang.
mohon penjelasannya ya gan.
(email ke:
Thank U bro,,
Thx gan work.. di bersihin pake coton bud langsung sip :) sangat membantu.
itu dvd roomnya yg lemah gan.
minta ganti..
bekasnya 125 rbuan
Kak mau nanya dong. Ini laptopnya pernah kena benturan. Laptop ditas dan terjatuh tasnya. Jatuhnya tepat dibagian dvdnya, ketika dibuka memang gk sensitif lagi dia,tapi dicoba terus akhirnya mau. Namun, ketika cd/dvd dimasukkan gk terbaca. Hanya berputar saja dia. Apa ya masalahnya kak? Terima kasih :)
terimakasih abnyakgan sudah share disini power supply hp
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