Masjid umumnya hanya di kenal sebagai tempat beribadah umat muslim. Namun sebenarnya dahulu Rasulullah dan generasi setelahnya menjadikan masjid sebagai pusat segala kegiatan mulai dari aktivitas sosial kemasyarakatan hingga kemiliteran. Masjid memiliki tipologi bangunan yang khas yang kadang disesuaikan dengan kondisi dari lingkungan masjid tersebut. Umumnya masyarakat mengenal masjid sebagai bangunan berkubah ataupun memiliki menara. Kubah masjid umumnya terbuat dari marmer, beton ataupun besi baja, jarang sekali yang menggunakan bahan emas sebagai kubahnya.
Di dunia ini hanya ada 4 masjid yang memiliki kubah emas, diantaranya :
1.Masjid Jame’ Asr atau Masjid Bandar Seri Begawan di Brunei
Masjid yang merupakan bagian dari kompleks Istana Bolkiah didirikan pada pertengahan tahun 1980-an untuk memperingati 25 tahun Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah berkuasa. Masjid ini memiliki 29 kubah yang terbuat dari emas murni 24 karat. Bangunan yang terletak di tengah taman yang asri ini mempunyai luas hampir 2 hektar lebih. Keseluruhan kawasan masjid ini dipagari dengan kisi-kisi besi dengan panjang kira-kira 1.082 km. Terdapat lima pintu masuk ke lokasi ini, disamping dua pintu khusus untuk keluarga kerajaan dan tamu negara.
Masjid ini memiliki 4 menara yang masing-masing tingginya 189 kaki, dimana ada sekitar 297 anak tangga pada setiap menara tersebut. Melalui menara ini, pengunjung bisa melihat pemandangan sekitar masjid dan juga pemandangan Bandar Seri Begawan dan Kampong Ayer.
2. Masjid Al-Askari di Samarra, Irak
Masjid Al-Askari merupakan masjid syiah yang di bangun pada tahun 944 M. Masjid ini terletak di kota Samarra, Irak. Namun sayangnya masjid ini hancur pada bulan Februari 2006 akibat tidak langung dari invasi Amerika Serikat ke Irak.

Gambar di ambil dari :
3. Masjid Qubbah As Sakhrah / Dome of the Rock di Yerusalem, Palestina
Masjid Qubbah As Sakhrah atau di kenal dengan Dome of the Rock dibangun pada sekitar tahun 690M oleh Abdul Malik bin Marwan yang merupakan salah satu raja dalam bani Umayah dan kemudian diikuti dengan pembangunan Masjidil Aqsha yang selesai pada tahun 710M. Masjid ini dahulu-mungkin juga sampai sekarang- di anggap sebagai masjid Al Aqsha.Sebagian orang juga menganggap bangunan ini bukanlah masjid melainkan hanya tumpukan batu besar.
Gambar di ambil dari :
4. Masjid Dian Al Mahri di Depok, Indonesia
Masjid dengan kubah emas yang terbaru adalah Masjid Dian Al Mahri yang letaknya di Depok, Jawa Barat, tepatnya di Jalan Meruyung, Kelurahan Limo, Kecamatan Cinere, Depok. Masjid ini mulai di bangun pada tahun 1999, dan di resmikan pada bulan April tahun 2006. Masjid ini merupakan milik pribadi dari Hajjah (Hj) Dian Djurian Maimun Al-Rasyid,seorang pengusaha dari Serang, Banten dan pemilik Islamic Center Yayasan Dian Al-Mahri.
Masjid dengan kubah emas yang terbaru adalah Masjid Dian Al Mahri yang letaknya di Depok, Jawa Barat, tepatnya di Jalan Meruyung, Kelurahan Limo, Kecamatan Cinere, Depok. Masjid ini mulai di bangun pada tahun 1999, dan di resmikan pada bulan April tahun 2006. Masjid ini merupakan milik pribadi dari Hajjah (Hj) Dian Djurian Maimun Al-Rasyid,seorang pengusaha dari Serang, Banten dan pemilik Islamic Center Yayasan Dian Al-Mahri.
Masjid ini luas bangunannya mencapai 8.000 meter persegi dan berdiri di atas lahan seluas 70 hektare. Secara umum, arsitektur masjid mengikuti tipologi arsitektur masjid di Timur Tengah dengan ciri kubah, minaret (menara), halaman dalam (plaza), dan penggunaan detail atau hiasan dekoratif dengan elemen geometris dan obelisk, untuk memperkuat ciri keislaman para arsitekturnya. Ciri lainnya adalah gerbang masuk berupa portal dan hiasan geometris serta obelisk sebagai ornamen.
Halaman dalam berukuran 45 x 57 meter dan mampu menampung 8.000 jemaah. Enam menara (minaret) berbentuk segi enam, yang melambangkan rukun iman, menjulang setinggi 40 meter. Keenam menara itu dibalut batu granit abu-abu yang diimpor dari Italia dengan ornamen melingkar. Pada puncaknya terdapat kubah berlapis mozaik emas 24 karat. Sedangkan kubahnya mengacu pada bentuk kubah yang banyak digunakan masjid-masjid di Persia dan India. Lima kubah melambangkan rukun Islam, seluruhnya dibalut mozaik berlapis emas 24 karat yang materialnya diimpor dari Italia.
Pada bagian interiornya, ada pilar-pilar kokoh yang menjulang tinggi guna menciptakan skala ruang yang agung. Ruang masjid didominasi warna monokrom dengan unsur utama warna krem. Materialnya terbuat dari bahan marmer yang diimpor dari Turki dan Italia. Di tengah ruang, tergantung lampu yang terbuat dari kuningan berlapis emas seberat 2,7 ton, yang pengerjaannya digarap ahli dari Italia.
Di sekitar masjid dibuat taman dengan penataan yang apik dan detail. Selain taman, juga dibangun rumah tinggal sang pendiri masjid dan gedung serbaguna yang menjadi tempat istirahat para pengunjung .Sedangkan untuk parkir, disiapkan lahan seluas 7.000 meter persegi yang mampu menampung kendaraan 300 bus atau 1.400 kendaraan kecil.
Untuk mencapai lokasi ini cukup mudah, dapat digunakan angkutan umum dari terminal depok ( nomor 03) yang menuju parung bingung. Dari sini bisa menggunakan ojek menuju jalan Meruyung.
Gambar merupakan koleksi pribadi (diambil pada bulan Juli 2007).
Mosques are generally only known as a place of Muslim worship. But the actual first generation after the Prophet and make the mosque as a center of activity ranging from social activities to the military. The mosque has a distinctive building typologies are sometimes adapted to the conditions of the neighborhood mosque. Generally, people familiar domed mosque as a building or a steeple.Dome of the mosque are generally made of marble, concrete or steel, they rarely use gold as a dome material.
In this world there are only four mosques with domes of gold, including:
1.Masjid Jame 'Asr or Masjid Bandar Seri Begawan in Brunei
The mosque which is part of Bolkiah Palace complex was established in the mid-1980s to commemorate 25 years of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah came to power.This mosque has 29 domes are made of pure 24 karat gold. The building is located in the middle of this beautiful garden has an area of nearly 2 acres more.This whole area of the mosque is lined with metal grating with a length of approximately 1082 km. There are five entrances to the site, in addition to two special doors for the country's royal family and guests.
The mosque has four minarets, each 189 feet high, where there are about 297 steps on each tower. Through this tower, visitors can see the scenery around the mosque and also the views of Bandar Seri Begawan and Kampong Ayer.
Picture taken from:
2. Al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq
Masjid Al-Askari is a Shiite mosque that was built in 944 AD The mosque is located in the city of Samarra, Iraq. But unfortunately, the mosque was destroyed in February 2006 did not result directly from the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
Picture taken from:
3. As the mosque Qubbah Sakhrah / Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Palestine
As the mosque Qubbah Sakhrah or in the know with the Dome of the Rock was built in about 690M by Abdul Malik ibn Marwan which is one of the king in the Umayyad and then followed by the construction of the Aqsa Mosque was completed in 710M. The mosque is first-until now-may well regard as the Aqsa mosque. Clarification of this can be viewed on the blog Harry Sufehmi. Some people also think this building is not a mosque but only a pile of boulders.
Picture taken from:
4. Dian Al Mahri mosque in Depok, IndonesiaMosque with golden dome of the latest is Al Mahri Dian Mosque which is located in Depok, West Java, precisely at Jalan Meruyung, Village Limo, District Cinere, Depok. This mosque was built starting in 1999, and inaugurated in April 2006.This mosque was the private property of Hajjah (Hj) Dian Djurian Maimun Al-Rashid, a businessman from Serang, Banten and the owner of the Islamic Center Al-Mahri Dian Foundation.
The mosque is spacious building reaches 8,000 square meters and stands on an area of 70 hectares. In general, the architecture of the mosque following the typology of the mosque architecture in the Middle East with a characteristic dome, minaret (tower), the page in the (plaza), and the use of decorative detail or decoration with geometric elements and the obelisk, to strengthen the Islamic characteristics of the architecture. Another characteristic is the entrance portal and a geometric decoration and obelisks as ornaments.
Page in size 45 x 57 meters and can accommodate 8000 worshipers. Six of the tower (minaret) hexagon-shaped, representing the pillars of faith, towering as high as 40 meters. The six towers were clad in gray granite imported from Italy with circular ornaments. At its peak there is a dome of 24-karat gold-plated mosaic.While the dome is referring to a widely used form of dome mosques in Persia and India. Domes symbolizing the five pillars of Islam, is entirely clad in 24-karat gold-plated mosaic of materials imported from Italy.
On the interior, there are the pillars soaring to create a grand-scale space.Monochrome color space mosques dominated by the major elements of a cream color. Material made of marble imported from Turkey and Italy. In the middle of the room, hanging lamps made of gold plated brass weighing 2.7 tons, that the process worked from Italian experts.
Around the mosque built the garden with a slick arrangement and detail. In addition to parks, residential construction is also the founder of the mosque and the multipurpose building that became the resting place of the visitors. As for parking, set up an area of 7,000 square meters which can accommodate 300 cars or 1,400 cars a small bus.
To reach this location is quite easy, you can use public transport from the terminal depok (number 03) that led to Parung confused. From this it can use a taxi on the road Meruyung.
In this world there are only four mosques with domes of gold, including:
1.Masjid Jame 'Asr or Masjid Bandar Seri Begawan in Brunei
The mosque which is part of Bolkiah Palace complex was established in the mid-1980s to commemorate 25 years of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah came to power.This mosque has 29 domes are made of pure 24 karat gold. The building is located in the middle of this beautiful garden has an area of nearly 2 acres more.This whole area of the mosque is lined with metal grating with a length of approximately 1082 km. There are five entrances to the site, in addition to two special doors for the country's royal family and guests.
The mosque has four minarets, each 189 feet high, where there are about 297 steps on each tower. Through this tower, visitors can see the scenery around the mosque and also the views of Bandar Seri Begawan and Kampong Ayer.
Picture taken from:
2. Al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq
Masjid Al-Askari is a Shiite mosque that was built in 944 AD The mosque is located in the city of Samarra, Iraq. But unfortunately, the mosque was destroyed in February 2006 did not result directly from the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
Picture taken from:
3. As the mosque Qubbah Sakhrah / Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Palestine
As the mosque Qubbah Sakhrah or in the know with the Dome of the Rock was built in about 690M by Abdul Malik ibn Marwan which is one of the king in the Umayyad and then followed by the construction of the Aqsa Mosque was completed in 710M. The mosque is first-until now-may well regard as the Aqsa mosque. Clarification of this can be viewed on the blog Harry Sufehmi. Some people also think this building is not a mosque but only a pile of boulders.
Picture taken from:
4. Dian Al Mahri mosque in Depok, IndonesiaMosque with golden dome of the latest is Al Mahri Dian Mosque which is located in Depok, West Java, precisely at Jalan Meruyung, Village Limo, District Cinere, Depok. This mosque was built starting in 1999, and inaugurated in April 2006.This mosque was the private property of Hajjah (Hj) Dian Djurian Maimun Al-Rashid, a businessman from Serang, Banten and the owner of the Islamic Center Al-Mahri Dian Foundation.
The mosque is spacious building reaches 8,000 square meters and stands on an area of 70 hectares. In general, the architecture of the mosque following the typology of the mosque architecture in the Middle East with a characteristic dome, minaret (tower), the page in the (plaza), and the use of decorative detail or decoration with geometric elements and the obelisk, to strengthen the Islamic characteristics of the architecture. Another characteristic is the entrance portal and a geometric decoration and obelisks as ornaments.
Page in size 45 x 57 meters and can accommodate 8000 worshipers. Six of the tower (minaret) hexagon-shaped, representing the pillars of faith, towering as high as 40 meters. The six towers were clad in gray granite imported from Italy with circular ornaments. At its peak there is a dome of 24-karat gold-plated mosaic.While the dome is referring to a widely used form of dome mosques in Persia and India. Domes symbolizing the five pillars of Islam, is entirely clad in 24-karat gold-plated mosaic of materials imported from Italy.
On the interior, there are the pillars soaring to create a grand-scale space.Monochrome color space mosques dominated by the major elements of a cream color. Material made of marble imported from Turkey and Italy. In the middle of the room, hanging lamps made of gold plated brass weighing 2.7 tons, that the process worked from Italian experts.
Around the mosque built the garden with a slick arrangement and detail. In addition to parks, residential construction is also the founder of the mosque and the multipurpose building that became the resting place of the visitors. As for parking, set up an area of 7,000 square meters which can accommodate 300 cars or 1,400 cars a small bus.
To reach this location is quite easy, you can use public transport from the terminal depok (number 03) that led to Parung confused. From this it can use a taxi on the road Meruyung.
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