Anda baru saja membeli komputer. Atau sudah
lama menggunakan komputer. Tapi sampai saat ini yang Anda tahu hanyalah
menggunakan komputer apa adanya. Pokoknya asal pakai, pekerjaan selesai.
kemudian hari Anda ingin menggunakan software tertentu atau ingin bermain game.
Kemudian Anda menginstall software tersebut. Tapi yang terjadi adalah software
tersebut tidak bisa dijalankan. Mengapa?
saja. Penyebab yang paling mungkin terjadi adalah, komputer Anda tidak kuat
menjalankan software tersebut. Komputer Anda punya spesifikasi. Punya
batasan tentang software apa yang bisa dijalankan. Lalu bagaimana cara
sini Anda akan belajar cara mengetahui spesifikasi 2 hal penting yang ada pada
komputer Anda. Sistem secara umum dan VGA. Caranya cukup mudah. Sekali Anda
tahu artinya, ‘perkenalan’ dengan komputer baru sekalipun hanya butuh waktu
singkat. Tidak ada 5 menit.
Mengetahui spesifikasi sistem secara umum
sistem secara umum dapat Anda lihat melalui properties dari my
computer. Cara aksesnya adalah:
§ Klik
kanan ikon My computer di desktop, lalu pilih properties
§ Akan
nampak jendel berikut:
Informasi Windows yang Anda gunakan. Windows versi apa, dan
service pack berapa.
Informasi sistem komputer Anda. Jenis prosesor, kapasitas memori
(RAM), dan tipe sistem (Windows 32 bit atau 64 bit).
Informasi tentang nama komputer dan workgroup. Ini biasanya akan
berguna untuk pengaturan jaringan komputer.
Mengenali VGA (Graphic Card)
saya anggap VGA sebagai sesuatu yang penting untuk dikenali? Jawabnya adalah
karena software-software yang ada sekarang ini banyak yang menuntut kemampuan
grafis yang cukup baik.
adalah PC game. Mungkin Anda
adalah seseorang yang baru dalam PC game.Yang ada di
pikiran Anda adalah, membeli atau menyewa game, install, lalu main. Tapi yang
terjadi adalah, game tersebut tidak bisa dijalankan setelah installasi.
Mengapa? Kemungkinan yang paling besar adalah VGA Anda tidak kuat memainkannya.
membeli atau menyewa PC game sebaiknya
Anda ketahui dulu system requirement dari
game tersebut. Kemudian bandingkan dengan kemampuan komputer Anda. Mencukupi
kan untuk memainkan game tersebut?
mengenali spesifikasi VGA Anda, akseslah DxDiag. Caranya cukup mudah:
§ Tekan
tombol windows + R.
§ Ketik dxdiag.
§ Setelah
muncul jendela baru, pilihlah tab display. Lihat gambar
situ terdapat keterangan dasar tentang spesifikasi VGA. Di sana tercantum nama
VGA, tipe, merek, hingga memori.
paling banyak digunakan sebagai acuan untuk game. Misalnya saja, sebuah game
mencantumkan keterangan seperti ini:
§ 2.0 GHz
P4 processor or equivalent
§ 1 GB RAM
§ 128 MB
Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
§ The
latest version of DirectX 9.0c
§ Microsoft
Windows XP Service Pack 2
§ At least
6.1 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom
content and saved games
yang saya cetak tebal. Keterangan tersebut berarti Anda harus memiliki VGA
dengan memori paling tidak 128 MB. Jika dibandingkan denganscreenshot spesifikasi
VGA di atas, VGA tersebut berarti mampu untuk memainkan game ini.
Anda lihat lagi, setelah memori ada juga keterangan pixel
shader. Sayangnya tidak ada cara untuk spesifikasi pixel
shader VGA melalui komputer. Anda harus mencarinya sendiri di
Jangan paksa komputer bekerja lebih
Anda sudah mengerti cara mengetahui spesifikasi komputer Anda. Bila di kemudian
hari Anda menemukan software yang menarik, misalnya game yang sangat bagus, dan
membutuhkan sistem dengan spesifikasi melebihi komputer Anda, lebih baik jangan
paksakan komputer Anda untuk memainkannya.
terkadang game/ software tersebut masih bisa dijalankan walaupun agak
terputus-putus, gerak tidak lancar, dan respon lama. Tapi di balik itu,
komputer Anda sedang kerja rodi. Komputer sedang bekerja sangat keras. Hal ini
bisa mengakibatkan komputer Anda berumur pendek.
paling ringan adalah cepat over heating (kelebihan
panas). Namun sekali saja komputer Anda terkena over
heating, maka ini akan sulit disembuhkan. Berikutnya, meskipun
komputer hanya bekerja ringan, ia akan cepat over heating. Inilah yang
terjadi pada laptop pertama saya.
untuk yang paling parah adalah, komponen komputer Anda bisa gosong! Saya juga
pernah mengalaminya. Monitor saya gosong komponennya. Juga VGA-nya.
pada posting-posting saya tentang perawatan komputer, saya ingin mengatakan:
komputer Anda. Rawatlah. Jangan dipaksa kerja terlalu keras.
You just bought a computer. Or
have been using a computer. But until now that you know is using the computer as it
is. Anyway
origin of life, the work is completed.
the future you want to use a particular software or want to play games. Then you install the software. But what happens is that software can not be executed. Why?
It's simple. The cause is most likely to happen is, you do not have a
powerful computer to run the software. Your
computer has specifications. Have restrictions on what software can run. Then
how do I know?
you will learn how to know the specification of two important things that exist
on your computer. System in
general and VGA. The way is easy. Once you know what it means, 'introduction' to a new
computer even though it took only a short time. There is no 5 minutes.
Knowing the specifications of
the system in general
systems in general can see through the properties of my computer.Access ways are:
Right-click the My Computer icon on the
desktop and select Properties§
Will appear a window of the following:§
A. Windows
are you using the information. What Windows version and service pack number.
2. Information
system of your computer. Type of processor, memory capacity (RAM), and type
systems (Windows 32 bit or 64 bit).
3. Information about the computer name and workgroup. This will generally be useful for computer network
VGA (Graphic Card)
do I think of VGA as being important to recognize? The answer is because there is software that today many
are demanding graphics capabilities are good enough.
example is the PC game. Perhaps you are someone who is new in game.Yang PC's on
your mind is, buy or rent games, install, and play. But what happens is, the game can not run after
installation. Why? The greatest likelihood is strong VGA You do not play
you buy or rent a PC game you should first know the system requirements of the
game. Then compare the capabilities of your computer. Suffice it to play the game?
To recognize
your VGA specification, access DxDiag. The way is easy:
Press the windows key + R.§
Type in dxdiag.§ Enter.
After the new window appears, select the tab
display.§ See the following figure.
There are
basic information about the VGA specification. VGA names listed there, type, brand, until the memory.
The most
widely used memory as a reference for the game. For example, a game included information like this:
or equivalent§2.0 GHz P4 processor
128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel
Shader 2.0§
The latest version of DirectX 9.0c§
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2§
At least 6.1 GB of hard drive space with at
least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games§
who I am bold. The statement means that you must have at least VGA with
128 MB of memory. When compared denganscreenshot VGA specification above,
the VGA means being able to play this game.
you look again, after the memory there is also a description pixel shader.Unfortunately
there is no way to VGA pixel shader specification via a computer.You have to look yourself in
the internet.
Do not force the computer to work
you already know how to find out your computer specifications. If later on you find an interesting software, such as a
very good game, and requires the system to exceed the specifications of your
computer, it's better not to force your computer to play it.
sometimes the game / software can still be executed even if somewhat
disjointed, the motion is not smooth, and response time. But beyond that, your computer is forced labor. The
computer is working very hard. This could lead to short-lived your computer.
... the light is quickly over-heating (overheating). But once your computer is exposed to over heating, then
this would be difficult to cure. Next, even though the computer only light work, he would
quickly over-heating. This is what happens on my first laptop.
for the most serious is, the components of your computer can burn! I've been
there. My
monitor burnt components. VGA is also his.
in my postings about computer maintenance, I want to say:
your computer. Take care. Do not
be forced to work too hard.
Anda baru saja membeli komputer. Atau sudah
lama menggunakan komputer. Tapi sampai saat ini yang Anda tahu hanyalah
menggunakan komputer apa adanya. Pokoknya asal pakai, pekerjaan selesai.
kemudian hari Anda ingin menggunakan software tertentu atau ingin bermain game.
Kemudian Anda menginstall software tersebut. Tapi yang terjadi adalah software
tersebut tidak bisa dijalankan. Mengapa?
saja. Penyebab yang paling mungkin terjadi adalah, komputer Anda tidak kuat
menjalankan software tersebut. Komputer Anda punya spesifikasi. Punya
batasan tentang software apa yang bisa dijalankan. Lalu bagaimana cara
sini Anda akan belajar cara mengetahui spesifikasi 2 hal penting yang ada pada
komputer Anda. Sistem secara umum dan VGA. Caranya cukup mudah. Sekali Anda
tahu artinya, ‘perkenalan’ dengan komputer baru sekalipun hanya butuh waktu
singkat. Tidak ada 5 menit.
Mengetahui spesifikasi sistem secara umum
sistem secara umum dapat Anda lihat melalui properties dari my
computer. Cara aksesnya adalah:
§ Klik
kanan ikon My computer di desktop, lalu pilih properties
§ Akan
nampak jendel berikut:
Informasi Windows yang Anda gunakan. Windows versi apa, dan
service pack berapa.
Informasi sistem komputer Anda. Jenis prosesor, kapasitas memori
(RAM), dan tipe sistem (Windows 32 bit atau 64 bit).
Informasi tentang nama komputer dan workgroup. Ini biasanya akan
berguna untuk pengaturan jaringan komputer.
Mengenali VGA (Graphic Card)
saya anggap VGA sebagai sesuatu yang penting untuk dikenali? Jawabnya adalah
karena software-software yang ada sekarang ini banyak yang menuntut kemampuan
grafis yang cukup baik.
adalah PC game. Mungkin Anda
adalah seseorang yang baru dalam PC game.Yang ada di
pikiran Anda adalah, membeli atau menyewa game, install, lalu main. Tapi yang
terjadi adalah, game tersebut tidak bisa dijalankan setelah installasi.
Mengapa? Kemungkinan yang paling besar adalah VGA Anda tidak kuat memainkannya.
membeli atau menyewa PC game sebaiknya
Anda ketahui dulu system requirement dari
game tersebut. Kemudian bandingkan dengan kemampuan komputer Anda. Mencukupi
kan untuk memainkan game tersebut?
mengenali spesifikasi VGA Anda, akseslah DxDiag. Caranya cukup mudah:
§ Tekan
tombol windows + R.
§ Ketik dxdiag.
§ Setelah
muncul jendela baru, pilihlah tab display. Lihat gambar
situ terdapat keterangan dasar tentang spesifikasi VGA. Di sana tercantum nama
VGA, tipe, merek, hingga memori.
paling banyak digunakan sebagai acuan untuk game. Misalnya saja, sebuah game
mencantumkan keterangan seperti ini:
§ 2.0 GHz
P4 processor or equivalent
§ 1 GB RAM
§ 128 MB
Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
§ The
latest version of DirectX 9.0c
§ Microsoft
Windows XP Service Pack 2
§ At least
6.1 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom
content and saved games
yang saya cetak tebal. Keterangan tersebut berarti Anda harus memiliki VGA
dengan memori paling tidak 128 MB. Jika dibandingkan denganscreenshot spesifikasi
VGA di atas, VGA tersebut berarti mampu untuk memainkan game ini.
Anda lihat lagi, setelah memori ada juga keterangan pixel
shader. Sayangnya tidak ada cara untuk spesifikasi pixel
shader VGA melalui komputer. Anda harus mencarinya sendiri di
Jangan paksa komputer bekerja lebih
Anda sudah mengerti cara mengetahui spesifikasi komputer Anda. Bila di kemudian
hari Anda menemukan software yang menarik, misalnya game yang sangat bagus, dan
membutuhkan sistem dengan spesifikasi melebihi komputer Anda, lebih baik jangan
paksakan komputer Anda untuk memainkannya.
terkadang game/ software tersebut masih bisa dijalankan walaupun agak
terputus-putus, gerak tidak lancar, dan respon lama. Tapi di balik itu,
komputer Anda sedang kerja rodi. Komputer sedang bekerja sangat keras. Hal ini
bisa mengakibatkan komputer Anda berumur pendek.
paling ringan adalah cepat over heating (kelebihan
panas). Namun sekali saja komputer Anda terkena over
heating, maka ini akan sulit disembuhkan. Berikutnya, meskipun
komputer hanya bekerja ringan, ia akan cepat over heating. Inilah yang
terjadi pada laptop pertama saya.
untuk yang paling parah adalah, komponen komputer Anda bisa gosong! Saya juga
pernah mengalaminya. Monitor saya gosong komponennya. Juga VGA-nya.
pada posting-posting saya tentang perawatan komputer, saya ingin mengatakan:
komputer Anda. Rawatlah. Jangan dipaksa kerja terlalu keras.
You just bought a computer. Or
have been using a computer. But until now that you know is using the computer as it
is. Anyway
origin of life, the work is completed.
the future you want to use a particular software or want to play games. Then you install the software. But what happens is that software can not be executed. Why?
It's simple. The cause is most likely to happen is, you do not have a
powerful computer to run the software. Your
computer has specifications. Have restrictions on what software can run. Then
how do I know?
you will learn how to know the specification of two important things that exist
on your computer. System in
general and VGA. The way is easy. Once you know what it means, 'introduction' to a new
computer even though it took only a short time. There is no 5 minutes.
Knowing the specifications of
the system in general
systems in general can see through the properties of my computer.Access ways are:
Right-click the My Computer icon on the
desktop and select Properties§
Will appear a window of the following:§
A. Windows
are you using the information. What Windows version and service pack number.
2. Information
system of your computer. Type of processor, memory capacity (RAM), and type
systems (Windows 32 bit or 64 bit).
3. Information about the computer name and workgroup. This will generally be useful for computer network
VGA (Graphic Card)
do I think of VGA as being important to recognize? The answer is because there is software that today many
are demanding graphics capabilities are good enough.
example is the PC game. Perhaps you are someone who is new in game.Yang PC's on
your mind is, buy or rent games, install, and play. But what happens is, the game can not run after
installation. Why? The greatest likelihood is strong VGA You do not play
you buy or rent a PC game you should first know the system requirements of the
game. Then compare the capabilities of your computer. Suffice it to play the game?
To recognize
your VGA specification, access DxDiag. The way is easy:
Press the windows key + R.§
Type in dxdiag.§ Enter.
After the new window appears, select the tab
display.§ See the following figure.
There are
basic information about the VGA specification. VGA names listed there, type, brand, until the memory.
The most
widely used memory as a reference for the game. For example, a game included information like this:
or equivalent§2.0 GHz P4 processor
128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel
Shader 2.0§
The latest version of DirectX 9.0c§
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2§
At least 6.1 GB of hard drive space with at
least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games§
who I am bold. The statement means that you must have at least VGA with
128 MB of memory. When compared denganscreenshot VGA specification above,
the VGA means being able to play this game.
you look again, after the memory there is also a description pixel shader.Unfortunately
there is no way to VGA pixel shader specification via a computer.You have to look yourself in
the internet.
Do not force the computer to work
you already know how to find out your computer specifications. If later on you find an interesting software, such as a
very good game, and requires the system to exceed the specifications of your
computer, it's better not to force your computer to play it.
sometimes the game / software can still be executed even if somewhat
disjointed, the motion is not smooth, and response time. But beyond that, your computer is forced labor. The
computer is working very hard. This could lead to short-lived your computer.
... the light is quickly over-heating (overheating). But once your computer is exposed to over heating, then
this would be difficult to cure. Next, even though the computer only light work, he would
quickly over-heating. This is what happens on my first laptop.
for the most serious is, the components of your computer can burn! I've been
there. My
monitor burnt components. VGA is also his.
in my postings about computer maintenance, I want to say:
your computer. Take care. Do not
be forced to work too hard.
You just bought a computer. Or have been using a computer. But until now that you know is using the computer as it is. Anyway origin of life, the work is completed.
In the future you want to use a particular software or want to play games. Then you install the software. But what happens is that software can not be executed. Why?
It's simple. The cause is most likely to happen is, you do not have a powerful computer to run the software. Your computer has specifications. Have restrictions on what software can run. Then how do I know?
Here you will learn how to know the specification of two important things that exist on your computer. System in general and VGA. The way is easy. Once you know what it means, 'introduction' to a new computer even though it took only a short time. There is no 5 minutes.
Knowing the specifications of the system in general
Information systems in general can see through the properties of my computer.Access ways are:
Right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop and select Properties§
Will appear a window of the following:§
A. Windows are you using the information. What Windows version and service pack number.
2. Information system of your computer. Type of processor, memory capacity (RAM), and type systems (Windows 32 bit or 64 bit).
3. Information about the computer name and workgroup. This will generally be useful for computer network settings.
Recognize VGA (Graphic Card)
Why do I think of VGA as being important to recognize? The answer is because there is software that today many are demanding graphics capabilities are good enough.
An example is the PC game. Perhaps you are someone who is new in game.Yang PC's on your mind is, buy or rent games, install, and play. But what happens is, the game can not run after installation. Why? The greatest likelihood is strong VGA You do not play it.
Before you buy or rent a PC game you should first know the system requirements of the game. Then compare the capabilities of your computer. Suffice it to play the game?
To recognize your VGA specification, access DxDiag. The way is easy:
Press the windows key + R.§
Type in dxdiag.§ Enter.
After the new window appears, select the tab display.§ See the following figure.
There are basic information about the VGA specification. VGA names listed there, type, brand, until the memory.
The most widely used memory as a reference for the game. For example, a game included information like this:
or equivalent§2.0 GHz P4 processor
128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0§
The latest version of DirectX 9.0c§
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2§
At least 6.1 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games§
See who I am bold. The statement means that you must have at least VGA with 128 MB of memory. When compared denganscreenshot VGA specification above, the VGA means being able to play this game.
If you look again, after the memory there is also a description pixel shader.Unfortunately there is no way to VGA pixel shader specification via a computer.You have to look yourself in the internet.
Do not force the computer to work more
Now you already know how to find out your computer specifications. If later on you find an interesting software, such as a very good game, and requires the system to exceed the specifications of your computer, it's better not to force your computer to play it.
Indeed, sometimes the game / software can still be executed even if somewhat disjointed, the motion is not smooth, and response time. But beyond that, your computer is forced labor. The computer is working very hard. This could lead to short-lived your computer.
Yahhh ... the light is quickly over-heating (overheating). But once your computer is exposed to over heating, then this would be difficult to cure. Next, even though the computer only light work, he would quickly over-heating. This is what happens on my first laptop.
While for the most serious is, the components of your computer can burn! I've been there. My monitor burnt components. VGA is also his.
As in my postings about computer maintenance, I want to say:
Spare your computer. Take care. Do not be forced to work too hard.
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